So I don't think I've posted any screenshots since the Winter 2005 contest... Nothing too important has really been going on since then either. Well not enough to at least remember what I've worked on.

I haven't been working on this for a while due to IntenseX not being released yet and I can't seem to get dynamic lights to work in A7. So all screenshots are in A6. I do look forward to probably working on it again in the future.

So yeah, it's pretty much an apartment and a hallway. I didn't make the gun or the HUD (other than the crosshair) though I did modify the skins.

EDIT: I do realize that I forgot to change the textures in the first picture to match the rest of the hall.

EDIT: My dynamic light problem seems to have been resolved.

Last edited by SlyBoots; 03/15/08 19:52.

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