
It is a fact that even if time runs backwards, we wouldn't notice, because, for us, time is just a change in space. And so if something happens absolutely slower, it is relatively to our recognition the same speed, because, also our brain would process it slower.

A fact? Lol, okey, I wouldn't know, but it sounds kind of unbelievable. If time around us would slow down the "relative time" changes too. If time slows down, speeds will slow down too, right?

"If time runs backwards" , is it even possible for time to run backwards?


Since time is relative, we could in fact be slowed to a halt right now and not know it..

Relative time can't exist if there's no absolute time for events to take place in. It's difficult to explain, but I'm pretty sure that for the very same reason time can't go backwards without us noticing it or anything about it,


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