There's only one problem, it is a command & conquer type game where the troops move freely, so that no tiles are used.

Is there any way you can combine a self-creating, chart pathfinding system(where a chart is made at the very beginning telling where to go from your location to get to where you're going) with your influence map? That way the nodes of the pathfinding system could be your influence map, and the AI would know where the troops are, and based on some if statements and some formulas, know how to attack. I could also allow the AI and player to follow footprints to find the enemies. I can also set up an AI "unknown" factor, where they have no idea where they're going, or where the players are. This can make a "search and Destroy" mission even more fun.

I just need to know how to set up this self-creating pathfinding system. I can handle the charts, and the influence map, I understand how those work. I just need to know how make the nodes space themselves apart, and fall into place on the terrain. Then once they are in place, I can code them to scan eachother, delete the ones that are too high, or on top of buildings, etc. A little help would be appreciated on the actual pathinding part, where I generate the chart.

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