
I don't think this is the right place for this post but since i'm not sure where else to post it, please accept my apologies.

Ok. So what I need to do is be able to connect my game to a database (preferrably one that is free, such as mysql). I want to keep statistics for each user, such as how many games they played, what their game statistics were, how many times they failed, etc. I want them to be able to log into a website (that also connects to the same database) and be able to view these statistics. Administrators would also be able to track the users' progress, being able to consult with them about certain statistics. (it's a nursing training game). Now, I am very familiar with how to create database tables, stored procedures, SQL, etc. However, I am a novice when it comes to Game Studio.

So my questions are as follows:

In Game Studio...

1. How do I open and close a connection to the database? How do I set the connection string?

2. How do I run my update, insert, and select statements? Are there datasets and data reader classes that I can use?

3. Are there any tutorials/examples I can look at?

I took a look at the manual and didn't find anything helpful. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
