Yeah indeed , the WII is top notch for some games

A japanese box game is in the makings , i hope it will be as coll and perhaps more deep than the one in WII sports (that is already outstanding).

I fiund FPS games with great control, but a bit annoying is when you turn camera with the visor ... not very very good
but once you get it , it's ok , but far precise from a mouse :
turning directly and precisly the gun to an ennemy above you for example, is not as fast and precise as a mouse, perhaps they will improve that ?

But i like a lot WII sports indeed
Waiting for mario galaxy also and Metroid 3.

WII is not Next Gen : no Soul Calibur 4, Call Of Duty 4 , Bioshock etc ...
Nintendo targets new experiences , fun , gameplay, hope more third parties
will bring great original games.