

The other thing is, that most people considder themselve to be "good".
So the main character is mostly a "good" guy.

Go play black&white and tell me in wich side you are...

Well, to be honest, Black & White and even Black & White 2 are flawed games when it comes to good an evil. Choosing for good is way harder than choosing for evil and also the 'good' strategy takes a lot more time. Besides, when I'm 100% good my creature is doing 100% evil stuff mostly. Why doesn't the creature's alignment influence my own? I mean, it's me who says it's okey to feed on enemy villagers after all.

I think it's very possible to let the bad guy win, however you hardly ever see it in movies and if you do, there's always sómething that went good or had a good end somehow. When the bad guy wins, it's usually either a part 1 of a trilogy or everybody dies but the initial mission was accomplished anyways, giving it a happy end still. Did the bad guy win? Yes and no.

For an example of the latter I'd suggest everybody to go and watch this new 'Sunshine' movie,


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