Lol, i'm starting to think you are right and that the point I was trying to make isn't quite valid, but you seem to indicate a certain predestine flow of decision-making. I find that pretty weird, although I do see where you're coming from.

(Ow noes more rants?!; )
Sure, we've all got our own experiences or the experiences of others we trust to base our actions upon, but everytime a new event presents us with the question what to do next, it's really a choice you are making. You can actually decide what to take into consideration, past or no past. Without a past you don't really have a choice but to simply choose without experience. This happens WAY more than you'd think.

Do we really base our opinion and way to act on our past? I don't think so. What's that famous line again? Something about "mistakes" and making them "over and over again". Well, people don't do that for no reason, there's simply no rule that demands us to make the same choice for the same problem ahead.

Furthermore the way I see it, choices are usually representations of possibilities and changes, no one has a past in which he or she has experienced everything already, so it's often a live and learn process. Not everything is new perhaps, but often you will be challenged with situations you have not been in before. In such a situation I would really look at the future in case of deciding either way. What would have disadvantages, what would have a big impact, more or less do some educated predictions. Purely based on logic you'd come far enough.


Also when you don't have any past experience in any like, then you will seek the past in a way too. You try to mix your skills learned in the past to move on.

Yes, but only because you will have to observe your present situation, make your conclusions and go from there. That's nothing strange to me though, I'm doing that everyday actually. Besides, does a past really matter? There's always the future to decide differently than you did. There's only one person capable of changing your life and that's yourself. Why worry about wrong choices? As long as your knowledge about morals and stuff are okey, practically nothing can go wrong and there are no problems without solutions anyways,


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