
Now if you really feel that you found something, and you think you can visualise it better with temples and keys, that's fine, but if you want others to take you seriously, it might be better to sweep the extra stuff away and give them the real facts about what you really found, and how this changes your life.

One of my roommates tried to convince me with a story about temples and keys too (3 months ago or something I think) and although anyone can imagine something when hearing his story, I think it's nonsensical when it comes to 'finding yourself' or even finding God.

I really wonder why people believe in God because of some coincidental or even predictable events together with these kind of stories and the bible.
When I stepped on a scale this morning it said 66.6Kg, should I believe in the devil now knowing 666 is the number usually indicating him?? No, off course not, because my weight in pounds is a totally different number. So.. basically numbers say little to nothing (lol, except that I can eat without caring about my weight atm ). So I ask myself, why 7 keys? Or 6? Why temples?

To be honest, your way of telling in your first post was very similar to what my Christian roommate said, but isn't that strange? As in it has nothing to do with God, but only with how people try to convince someone and their predefined methods? :s


Don't think you're the only person whose searching for himself. It's true, that some ain't

You don't have to find anything if nothing is lost.


Seek the past and you will find your way to future.

Why not let the past be the past and move on instead of living in the past? Every day is a new day, why not take advantage of that fact? Is someone's past really important for someone's future? Unless someone has a major trauma because of his/her past, then yes, "solving" these old problems would definitely make one's life a whole lot better. There are a lot of people who have no such problems though,


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