"what did you do to increase the number of nodes from 100 to 300?" I have increased the size of the arrays and I have optimized a few functions.

"What version of Gstudio can this code run on?" It was developed and tested with A6.506, but it should work fine with A6.314 as well.

"Will you later on Add some form of "Enemy AI" that can take adavantage of this new system?" This isn't that complicated. I have kept the same (or almost identical) function names, so you can simply replace the functions from my old Perfect AI demos with the new, faster, optimized ones. On the other hand, you can easily turn player's path finding code into an enemy pathfinding code. Just feed the robot the current coordinates of the player (let's say) every second instead of giving it the coordinates of the clicked area of the level and you've got an enemy that follows the player everywhere.

"is there a way to modify the new pathfinding to accomadate multiple entities pathfinding?" I did that in the previous versions of PAI this way: the (single) function that computes the path runs from time to time, serving as many enemies as needed in a queue. Since the path is computed in a frame, you can easily compute the paths separately for 50-100 enemies that are close to the player. You can see this mechanism running in the last demo from my old Perfect AI series of articles.