Thank you! But it is no talent, just work and reading tutorials often.
It took me 3 evenings: 2 for texture-painting and 1 for the model + rendering

Thank you!

Hellcrypt is right (my regards to Hellcrypt ) - I use "TheGIMP". It is a fantastic tool and even delivers some nice features that Photoshop does not have. But it has weak points as well (e.g. scaling brushes).
Actually it is only painting and blending layers over each other. My original textures have 2048 pixel-size each and contain more than 10 layers per image to get the right effect.

You are right. I have the same feeling about it. I try to add some edges to make it less blocky there.

Yes, I use and love Lightwave. I used the gray images for bump mapping. Normal maps are created in GIMP this time and for in-game rendering I would prefer them. Often they look even better than the bump-mapping from Lightwave. Maybe I make a shader screen-shot in Gamestudio as well.

Best regards,

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft