
Don't you believe your God ultimately judges upon whether or not someone has lived a good life?

No absolutely not, that is not Christianity. Every_other_religion believes that but not Christianity. In Christianity God ultimately judges upon whether or not Jesus had lived a good life not whether or not we had lived a good life.

Thats why Christians are so Jesus_centric. Jesus blood is the substitution for our bad moral choices. Jesus was punished so that we are no longer accountable to God. Now, in the eyes of God, we are a new creation.

There are no actions which this born again phenomena require. Jesus death and blood are a free gift. The only action you must take is the action to accept this free gift.

It is analogous to someone handing out a million dollars as a free gift. There are no set of laws and regulations you must fulfill in order to qualify for the million dollars, it is already yours, there is nothing you have to do to work for it.

However, there is a small thing you need to do, number one you have to believe that the guy is indeed holding a million dollars, for if you dont believe that he is holding the money, you will never take the money.

The other simple thing you must do is take the money. It doesnt no good at all if you dont reach out and take the money.

However, the man offers the money as a free gift. There are no actions which the man requires you to do before you can have it. Most religions require you to do all sorts of things before you qualify for the million. Christianity offers the million to all regardless of their moral actions.

This is the perfect love.