
An Adaptive Binary Tree, or ABT in short, is the most effective way for a scene management without a precalculated tree. It works similar to an Octree, but uses various region sizes dependent on the geometry and entity distribution of the level. An ABT is calculated in real time, thus level compilation is a lot faster due to omission of the BSP/PVS process. Although less effective than a BSP tree, it can offer almost the same performance in outdoor levels. In combination with lite-C, the Acknex engine automatically uses an ABT tree for levels that don't contain a precalculated BSP tree.

Yeah I found this yesterday and read it before posting. I was hoping to get better info on ABT and octree rendering. I understand BSP and the precalculation, and that it is not that pertinent for outdoor levels.

How does ABT determine what to render and not render?

I did some searching on google - and didn't find very much.