OK, the error *has* to be my fault - but I'll be danged if I know what it is.
(New project, using newer A6 templates)

Preface: Lift is an imported Map Entity with the Basic Lift action assigned.
(Created in Wed and compiled)

When running the level using the templates:
1) The Player walks over to the lift.
2) The Basic Lift action is triggered (lift plays sound and starts moving).

Here's the problem (or problems):
1) The lift rises only a few quants before dropping the player through the bottom of the lift (onto the floor) while the lift rises to its end position.
2) The Elevator and player somehow experience a 10.5 earthquake and shake up and down continuously.

I've tried various Entities, different Lift actions, and different settings in the lift action's properties window.
Nothing seems to resolve this issue.

It should be really simple to add something as plain as standard lift.
(What am I screwing up?!)

Here's the Project Mgr info:

    Project Manager: 1.7
    Template: Template 6
    Type: WDL Script
    Date: 061011
    Vers: 6.7
    Req: 6.50.0

    Main Script: C:\A6\Project1\ModelTest1.wdl

    gid01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    display00.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    plSelect.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    cameraTarget.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    miscInput01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    *plBipedInput01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    bipedPhy01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    bipedAnim01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    bipedSnd01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    plBiped01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    cameraSelect.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    camera1stPerson01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    trigger00.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    lift01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    forcefield01.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    material.wdl (5.0) (061011)
    default.fx (USER)
    mtlFX.wdl (1.4) (060902)

Any Help is Appreciated.
