
I think everyone who's sane and relatively normal knows how to live a good life and be a good person and understands all those moral values and ultimately doesn't quite need the bible for all that.

Only saying that if you take a "good" man and watch as he applies the principles in the Bible.. he will be a better man. Much better.


Is it wrong not to believe at all in your opinion?

There are so many choices in life.. we make them every day. The Bible is one of those things that is limited to a simple set of answers.

1) Believe
2) Do not believe

I can't say whether your right or wrong for not believeing because my personal belief is based on faith. I can however tell you what what it says will happen to those that do not believe.

If you need proof, do this: Find a way in your heart to believe. Devote your life and when in need, call on him. Watch as things take place in your life that you cannot explain and there is your proof. Ill share a few instances that I find hard to explain.

When I was younger.. about 16-17 years ago I was at the church praying on a week night. At the time I had no vehicle and my plans was to save the world. In my mind I shouldnt have been thinking of material things but I couldnt help it. I really needed a car. Drive to work at McDonalds, drive to church.. and so on. I starting asking for a car. Before the prayer meeting was over someone interupted me aqnd said I had a phone call. My mother wanted to inform me that she had found me a car and it was at the house waiting on me. You would have to know my mother to know how odd that is. I gave thanks and counted this as a blessing.

A couple of days passed and I was thinking of hoow great that car would look with a paint job. Again pressing my luck I told the Lord "a paint job would be nice". Going back to the drive-thru from the privacy of the self made public bathroom/prayer room.. I watch as a jeep drives off the road, goes down a small hill and collides with my "new" car. My eyes looked a little like this O_O.
I felt bad and was very sorry for asking for material things. I figured this was my punishment. Within a few days the car was fixed with a NEW paint job courtesy of the other guys insurance company. Great thanks and a blessing in disguise.

Another example happened not to long ago. I was at work and had been going through a trial concerning my faith. I got the bright idea that I needed to see Jesus. Far fetched but that was what I wanted. I would take breaks at random time during the day and goto the bathroom... humble myself in the dirtiest place I could think of.. the bathroom floor. My nose to the ground I wanted to see Jesus, I was convinced. Nothing happened. I get home (I live in the country) and my wife and I sat on the front porch to drink coffee. A snow white dove lands at our feet.. I have never even seen a dove before. Staying for a while, we fed the bird... unable to touch it. Again everyday for a week the bird came back in the evenings to visit and then would leave again. You could explain that or you could just smile and say "Now whats the odds of that happening." :-)

I own a bussiness. I do well for myself and couldnt ask for more in life than what I have. Not to long ago, things got tough and I desperately needed to hire at least 2 more people. After searching for the right ones, I came up with nothing. Getting frustrated I took this need to the church. That night I made a prayer request for 2 people to come to me looking for a job. To keep it simple.. the next day, out of the blue here comes two skilled people searching for a job. The request was answered and the situation couldnt be more perfect.
You could either make excuses and try to work it out in your head or you can thank Gd for the blessing.

These are of course examples and the list could go on and on. I am greatful for the blessings in my life.

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