Player rockets out of game area

Posted By: mschoenhals

Player rockets out of game area - 09/10/15 21:55

Hey all,

I'm having an issue where if the player presses up against a wall or model, the player shoots skyward and out of the game play area. I'm using a modified version of the AUM PRG code. I think this may be the issue - the USE_BOX flag. Any ideas on what I should try?

my.z -= c_trace(my.x, temp.x, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX) - my.dist_to_ground; // place player's feet on the ground - play with 30

Posted By: rayp

Re: Player rockets out of game area - 09/10/15 21:57

U checked out this?

edit: The code above is the most "simple" gravity so no good solution, just saying.
Posted By: mschoenhals

Re: Player rockets out of game area - 09/10/15 23:17

Thanks for the input. However, I believe it's an issue with bounding boxes that overlap. The player shoots out at points where the walls are the narrowest (eg: door frames).
Posted By: mschoenhals

Re: Player rockets out of game area - 09/11/15 13:36

The link you provided is dead. Just takes me to the Infinity Compact Dictionary.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Player rockets out of game area - 09/11/15 18:00

Yes I noticed that before, many of Superku's "tips of the week" are just gone. But sure if all, or this is a accident after he pulled down the MP tip before the AUM release.

However with his education and job and a greenlight, I'm not going to bug him with this kind of thing.

@mschoenhals, everyone here with over 500 post, can write you a working player. P.s. payments get work done quicker and better and provide you some limited ownership( if done under contract and barring the boarder jumping of this forum, i.e. It can be hard to enforce a contract via USA to European nations.)
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