Entities getting stuck

Posted By: rtsgamer706

Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 05:52

Hi, I am working with the free version of A8
I just started a new project and I've got a couple of enemies that move towards the player character.
It all works fine except that when the two enemies collide they get stuck on each other briefly so the movement becomes staggered instead of smooth.
And ideas on how to deal with this?
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 14:18

You could post in the gamestudio forums and describe the problem there. If you include the corresponding code in your post someone may be able to help you.
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 15:11

But the problem isn't with my code,
it's just that in G8 when you're using c_move commands and two non passable entities collide,
1 stops moving. What part of my code would I need to show?
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 15:16

maybe this will help.
I'm using:
vec_set (temp, pOne.x);
vec_sub (temp, my.x);
vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp);

to have the entities face player one, and am just using a c_move command to have them move forwards so they "chase" the player.
If I only have one enemy there's no problems but when I have two, because they are both facing the player, they get stuck on each other during movement.
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 15:44

Originally Posted By: rtsgamer706
But the problem isn't with my code,

Then you're screwed anyways because you can't change a thing, right?
Originally Posted By: rtsgamer706
it's just that in G8 when you're using c_move commands and two non passable entities collide, 1 stops moving.
Of course one stops moving because otherwise it would end up inside the other one. Btw. there is always exactly one entity moving. You cannot move two objects at the same time. Have you set the glide flag?
Originally Posted By: rtsgamer706
What part of my code would I need to show?
The relevant one ... tongue
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 15:48

1. Yes I have told them to glide
2. I don't know which part is exactly relevant since my question is about how the collision engine works so here is the entire action that the enemies run:
action enemy()
	my.emask |= (ENABLE_IMPACT);
	my.event = hit_enemy;
	my.health = 20;
	my.damage = 0; //1 = took damage (invinci timer)
	var temp;
	while (my.health >= 1)
		vec_set (temp, pOne.x);
		vec_sub (temp, my.x);
		vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp);
		c_move(me, vector(3*time_step,0,0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);
	//	DEBUG_VAR(my.health, my.y);
		if (my.damage == 1)
			set (my, PASSABLE);
			reset(my, PASSABLE);
			my.damage = 0;

Posted By: Reconnoiter

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 16:59

Maybe decrease the collision of the enemies a bit when the player is not too close (almost passable but not entirely so that it won't look stupid). And/or add a bit of code that when enemies come to close to each other, that they change pan so that they move aligned/formation.
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 17:08

What do you mean by decrease the collision of the enemies? Is there a flag between solid and passable?
Second option is also interesting but may be a bit difficult to program
thanks for the suggestions though, I'll try it out
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 17:35

I think that just giving them a path finding algorithm would probably make them move around each other.
I would have needed to give it to them in the future anyways once there was proper terrain. Anyone know a good tutorial?
Posted By: rayp

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 17:50

U should read about "narrow" and "fat", "obstacle avoidence" and "pathfinding". Did u thought a 3d engine handles "correct" movement of models by itself ? If so, no, they wont. ^^

Take a look at Superku's pathfinding.c included in the goodies.zip, if its up to easy non-cost pathfinding.

Edit: Ull find a simple and good oa at bottom of this post:
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 18:21

I've changed collision hulls before and I know that the engine won't do "proper movement" by itself,
I was just hopping that there was a quick fix for this problem until I needed to learn path finding so I could flesh out the basic features of the game.
Where are those tutorials you mentioned though? Does goodies.zip come with the download or something or should I google it?
Posted By: rayp

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 18:25

Yes, that "quick-fix" is obstacle avoidance. ^^

Just edited my post, this could help ( bottom of post ):

I am afraid, i dont know where the goodies.zip is. Guess somewhere in the installation folder, so no download.
edit: Here's the pathfinding.c
/* pathfinding.c
  by Hendrik Felix Pohl aka Superku 2011

- Set up bidirectional connected (!) paths in WED.
  When the entities are supposed to travel one-way
  between two nodes, f.i. a drop from a higher level,
  keep the corresponding edge directional.
- Assign a path to every entity that is supposed
  to use pathfinding.
- Write "ent_path_init();" in your main function
  before the first "level_load()" command. (The
  events "on_level_load" and "on_ent_remove" get
- Choose a skill for the "_ent_path" define below
  and don't use it for something else.
- If you want to move an entity to vtarget, simply
  call the following function in a loop
  ent_path_get_target(ENTITY* ent, VECTOR* vtarget, VECTOR* vresult)
  and turn and move the entity to vresult.
  The entity should have a WED path attached to it,
  otherwise it will scan for one automatically.


  action enemy()
		VECTOR temp;
		if(vec_dist(temp,my.x) > 16)
			turn to temp;
			move to temp;

- The current target can be read using the macro
  without calling "ent_path_get_target" anew.

// configurable stuff

var ent_path_update_rate = 4; // only update path every "ent_path_update_rate" ticks (set the variable to 0 to update every frame)
var ent_path_node_next_dist = 48; // get next position on path if current node is closer than "ent_path_node_next_dist" quants
var ent_path_node_skip_dist = 384; // skip first node if second node is closer than "ent_path_node_skip_dist" and visible (set to 0 to disable node skipping), the same goes for the last node
var ent_path_node_skip_dist2 = 384; // skip last node (set to 0 to disable node skipping)
var ent_path_node_max_dist = 1024; // maximal node->pos distance for "ent_path_get_closest_node"
var ent_path_target_buffer = 16; // don't calculate a new path if "vec_dist(new target, old_target) < ent_path_target_buffer"
var ent_path_auto_update = 1; // automatically calculate all paths when "level_name.wmb" is newer than "level_name.pfd"
var ent_path_auto_attach = 1; // automatically scan for a WED path if no WED path has been attached to the entity
var ent_path_trace_mode = IGNORE_PASSABLE | IGNORE_ME | USE_BOX; // used by "ent_path_get_closest_node" and "ent_path_get"

#define _ent_path skill90 // choose a random skill, but don't use it for something else!

// non-configurable stuff

#define ent_path(ent) ((ENT_PATH*)ent._ent_path)
#define ent_path_array(ent) (((ENT_PATH*)ent._ent_path)->node_array)
#define ent_path_force_update(ent) ((ENT_PATH*)ent._ent_path)->update = 0 // call this macro to force a path update

struct _ENT_PATH
	var start_node;
	var target_node;
	var current_node;
	var max_nodes;
	var update; // set to 0 to force a path update (or use the macro above)
	var* node_array;
	VECTOR target,target2,target3; // target is the current target on the path, target2 saves the old target parameter of ent_path_get_target and target3 is the real target

typedef struct _ENT_PATH ENT_PATH;

// prototypes

// Create and initialize the ENT_PATH struct of entity "ent".
void ent_path_create(ENTITY* ent);

// Destroy the ENT_PATH struct (if any) before you remove ent.
// When you use ent_path_auto_update (= 1), this
// is automatically handled by the on_ent_remove event.
void ent_path_destroy(ENTITY* ent);

// Call this function to clear the current path.
// Can be called when the entity gets stuck to force
// the calculation of a new path.
void ent_path_clear(ENTITY* ent);

// Return the number of nodes of ent's (WED) path.
var ent_path_get_num_nodes(ENTITY* ent);

// Find the closest visible node using c_trace.
var ent_path_get_closest_node(ENTITY* ent, VECTOR* pos);

// Read the path (start_node -> target_node) from "level_name.pfd".
// Optionally check if the first node can be skipped.
void ent_path_get(ENTITY* ent, var start_node, var target_node);

// Grab the next node position (if ent has an ENT_PATH path assigned).
void ent_path_next_target(ENTITY* ent);

// Primary pathfinding function, can be called inside a loop without
// noticeable loss of performance. The vector "vresult" will contain
// the position where ent has to (turn and) move to to reach "vtarget".
// "ent" has to have a WED path assigned (otherwise it will automatically
// scan for one).
VECTOR* ent_path_get_target(ENTITY* ent, VECTOR* vtarget, VECTOR* vresult);

// Draw the current path for debugging purposes.
void ent_path_draw(ENTITY* ent);

// Calculate all possible paths on ent's WED path and write the result into "file".
// Based on an algorithm by George Pirvu/ AUM.
void ent_path_calculate(ENTITY* ent, var max_nodes, var file);

// Call "ent_path_calculate()" for all paths in the current level.
void ent_path_calculate_all();

// Recalculate paths if level has been modified.
void ent_path_update();

// Call this function in your main function before the first "level_load()".
void ent_path_init();

// functions

// Create and initialize the ENT_PATH struct of entity "ent".
void ent_path_create(ENTITY* ent)
	if(ent._ent_path) return;
	ENT_PATH* new_path = sys_malloc(sizeof(ENT_PATH)); 	
	new_path->start_node = 0;
	new_path->target_node = 0;
	new_path->current_node = 0;
	new_path->max_nodes = 0;
	new_path->update = 0;
	new_path->node_array = NULL;
	ent._ent_path = (ENT_PATH*)new_path;

// Destroy the ENT_PATH struct (if any) before you remove ent.
// When you use ent_path_auto_update (= 1), this
// is automatically handled by the on_ent_remove event.
void ent_path_destroy(ENTITY* ent)
	if(!ent._ent_path) return;
	if(ent_path_array(ent)) sys_free(ent_path_array(ent));
	ent._ent_path = 0;

// Call this function to clear the current path.
// Can be called when the entity gets stuck to force
// the calculation of a new path.
void ent_path_clear(ENTITY* ent)
	if(!ent._ent_path) return;
		ent_path_array(ent) = NULL;

// Return the number of nodes of ent's (WED) path.
var ent_path_get_num_nodes(ENTITY* ent)
	var max_nodes;
	STRING* str_tmp = str_create("");

	max_nodes = path_set(ent,str_tmp);
	return max_nodes;

// Find the closest visible node using c_trace.
var ent_path_get_closest_node(ENTITY* ent, VECTOR* pos)
	var i,j,k,l, max_nodes;
	var* path_sort, *path_dist;
	VECTOR temp;
	// sort nodes by distance
	max_nodes = ent_path_get_num_nodes(ent);
	if(!max_nodes) return -1;
	path_sort = (var*)sys_malloc(max_nodes*sizeof(var));
	path_dist = (var*)sys_malloc(max_nodes*sizeof(var));
	j = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++)
		path_getnode(ent, i+1, temp, NULL);
		k = vec_dist(pos,temp);
		if(k < ent_path_node_max_dist)
			path_sort[j] = i+1;
			path_dist[j] = k;
	max_nodes = j;
	for(i = 1; i < max_nodes; i++)
		k = path_dist[i];
		l = path_sort[i];
		j = i;
		while(j > 0 && path_dist[j-1] > k)
			path_dist[j] = path_dist[j-1];
			path_sort[j] = path_sort[j-1];
		path_dist[j] = k;
		path_sort[j] = l;
	// grab first visible node
	for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++)
		path_getnode(ent, path_sort[i], temp, NULL);
		if(!trace_hit) break;
	if(i < max_nodes) k = path_sort[i];
	else k = 0;
	return k;

// Read the path (start_node -> target_node) from "level_name.pfd".
// Optionally check if the first node can be skipped.
void ent_path_get(ENTITY* ent, var start_node, var target_node)
	var filehandle, max_nodes,i;
	var *new_path;
	STRING* str_tmp;
	VECTOR temp;
	str_tmp = str_create("");
	filehandle = file_open_read(str_tmp);
	if(!filehandle) return;

	result = file_find(filehandle,str_printf(NULL,"[%s]",_chr(str_tmp)));
	result = file_find(filehandle,str_printf(NULL,"(%d,%d)",(int)start_node,(int)target_node));
	max_nodes = file_var_read(filehandle);

	new_path = (var*)sys_malloc(max_nodes*sizeof(var));
	new_path[0] = start_node;
	for(i = 1; i < max_nodes-1; i++)
		result = file_var_read(filehandle);
		new_path[i] = result;
	new_path[max_nodes-1] = target_node;

	if(!ent._ent_path) ent_path_create(ent);
	if(ent_path_array(ent)) sys_free(ent_path_array(ent));
	ent_path_array(ent) = new_path;
	ent_path(ent)->start_node = start_node;
	ent_path(ent)->target_node = target_node;
	ent_path(ent)->current_node = 0;
	ent_path(ent)->max_nodes = max_nodes;
	// try to skip first node for a smoother (and shorter) path movement
	if(ent_path_node_skip_dist > 0)
		if(vec_dist(ent.x,temp) < ent_path_node_skip_dist)
			i = is(ent,PASSABLE);
				ent_path(ent)->current_node = 1;
			if(!i) reset(ent,PASSABLE);
	else path_getnode(ent,ent_path_array(ent)[0],ent_path(ent)->target,NULL);


// Grab the next node position.
void ent_path_next_target(ENTITY* ent)
	var i;
	VECTOR temp;

	if(!ent._ent_path) return;
	// try to skip last node for a smoother (and shorter) path movement
	if(ent_path(ent)->current_node == ent_path(ent)->max_nodes-1 && ent_path(ent)->current_node > 0 && ent_path_node_skip_dist2 > 0)
		if(vec_dist(temp,ent_path(ent)->target3) < ent_path_node_skip_dist2)
			i = is(ent,PASSABLE);
			if(!trace_hit) ent_path(ent)->current_node++;
			if(!i) reset(ent,PASSABLE);

	if(ent_path(ent)->current_node < ent_path(ent)->max_nodes) path_getnode(ent,ent_path_array(ent)[ent_path(ent)->current_node],ent_path(ent)->target,NULL);
	else ent_path_clear(ent);

// Primary pathfinding function, can be called inside a loop without
// noticeable loss of performance. The vector "vresult" will contain
// the position where ent has to (turn and) move to to reach "vtarget".
// "ent" has to have a WED path assigned.
VECTOR* ent_path_get_target(ENTITY* ent, VECTOR* vtarget, VECTOR* vresult)
	var target_node,start_node;
	if(!ent._ent_path) ent_path_create(ent);
	if(!ent.path_index && ent_path_auto_attach) path_scan(me,my.x,my.pan,vector(360,180,ent_path_node_max_dist));

		ent_path(ent)->update = maxv(ent_path(ent)->update-time_step,0);
		if(!ent_path(ent)->update && vec_dist(vtarget,ent_path(ent)->target2) > ent_path_target_buffer)
			ent_path(ent)->update = ent_path_update_rate;
				start_node = ent_path_get_closest_node(ent,ent.x);
				target_node = ent_path_get_closest_node(ent,vtarget);
				if(start_node == target_node || !start_node || !target_node) vec_set(ent_path(ent)->target,vtarget);
				else ent_path_get(ent,start_node,target_node);
				start_node = ent_path_get_closest_node(ent,ent.x);
				target_node = ent_path_get_closest_node(ent,vtarget);
				if(start_node == target_node || !start_node || !target_node)
					if(ent_path(ent)->target_node != target_node) ent_path_get(ent,start_node,target_node);
			if(vec_dist(ent.x,ent_path(ent)->target) < ent_path_node_next_dist) ent_path_next_target(ent);
			if(!ent_path_array(ent)) vec_set(ent_path(ent)->target,vtarget);
	else vec_set(ent_path(ent)->target,vtarget);

	return vresult;

// Draw the current path for debugging purposes.
void ent_path_draw(ENTITY* ent)
	var i;
	VECTOR temp;
	if(!ent_path_array(ent)) return;
	for(i = 0; i < ent_path(ent)->max_nodes; i++)
		if(i < ent_path(ent)->current_node) draw_line3d(temp,COLOR_RED,100);
		else draw_line3d(temp,COLOR_GREEN,100);

// Calculate all possible paths on ent's WED path and write the result into "file".
// Based on an algorithm by George Pirvu/ AUM.
void ent_path_calculate(ENTITY* ent, var max_nodes, var file)
	var* node_to_node, *visited;
	var target_node = 0, start_node = 0, node = 0, next_node = 0;
	var i,j,k,l;
	var path_skills[6];
	STRING* str_tmp;

	str_tmp = str_create("");
	node_to_node = (var*)sys_malloc(max_nodes*max_nodes*sizeof(var));
	visited = (var*)sys_malloc(max_nodes*max_nodes*sizeof(var));

	for(i = 0; i < max_nodes*max_nodes; i++)
		node_to_node[i] = 999999;
		visited[i] = 0;

	for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < max_nodes; j++)
			result = path_nextnode(ent, i+1, j+1);
				path_getedge(ent, i+1, j+1, path_skills);
				node_to_node[i*max_nodes+(result-1)] = integer(path_skills[0]);
			else break;

	for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < max_nodes; j++)
			for(k = 0; k < max_nodes; k++)
				if(node_to_node[j + i * max_nodes] + node_to_node[i + k * max_nodes] < node_to_node[j + k * max_nodes])
					node_to_node[j + k * max_nodes] = node_to_node[j + i * max_nodes] + node_to_node[i + k * max_nodes]; 
					visited[j + k * max_nodes] = 1; 
				if(j == k)
					node_to_node[j + k * max_nodes] = 0; 
					visited[j + k * max_nodes] = 0; 
	for(start_node = 0; start_node < max_nodes; start_node++)
		for(target_node = 0; target_node < max_nodes; target_node++)
			if(start_node != target_node)
				next_node = start_node;
				k = 0;
				l = 1;
					for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++)
						if(i != next_node && !visited[i + max_nodes * next_node] && node_to_node[target_node + max_nodes * next_node] == node_to_node[target_node + max_nodes * i] + node_to_node[i + max_nodes * next_node])
							if(i == target_node) l = 0;
								str_cat(str_tmp,str_printf(NULL,"%d ",(int)(i+1)));
								next_node = i;
				file_str_write(file,str_printf(NULL,"\n(%d,%d) %d ",(int)(start_node+1),(int)(target_node+1),(int)(k+1)));


// Calculate all possible paths in the current level.
void ent_path_calculate_all()
	int i;
	var num_nodes,filehandle;
	STRING* str_tmp;

	var num_paths = 2;

	str_tmp = str_create("");
	filehandle = file_open_write(str_tmp);

	me = ent_create(NULL,nullvector,NULL);

	for(i = 0; i < num_paths; i++)
		num_nodes = path_next(my);
		file_str_write(filehandle,str_printf(NULL,"[%s] ",_chr(str_tmp)));



// Recalculate paths if level has been modified.
void ent_path_update()
	STRING* str_tmp;

	str_tmp = str_create("");

	if(!file_exists(str_tmp)) ent_path_calculate_all();
		if(file_date(level_name) > file_date(str_tmp)) ent_path_calculate_all();		


// Call this function in your main function before the first "level_load()".
void ent_path_init()
	if(ent_path_auto_update) on_level_load = ent_path_update;
	on_ent_remove = ent_path_destroy;

// pathfinding.c

Best is combine both oa and pathfinding. "Real"-tutorial links i dont know sorry.
About "quick-fix"...if you wanna have a totally easy oa, this could look like this
vec_set.... // trace infront
if (you) my.pan += random(20);

See this thread for c_trace tut / Information

Maybe play around with

Guess u did not set the POLYGON flag of the models ?
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 19:13

Originally Posted By: rtsgamer706
Second option is also interesting but may be a bit difficult to program

Google flocking for the theory behind this.
AI for Game Developers is a good entry level book into the topic of AI development, you can find it on Amazon and O'Reilly directly.
Posted By: sivan

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/05/14 19:42

if your game area is empty i.e. no obstacles present, you can simply utilize only tossing from the few flocking rules, i.e. if the 2 enemies (or any number of enemies) are becoming too close to each other you should add a "force" pointing away from each other, the stronger the closer they are, or instead of this force modify their movement by a vector pointing in opposite directions to smoothly keep them away from each other. in case of many enemies you should probably define a priority order how tossing is calculated.
finally in 3DGS you have there the push event in case of when collision happens even if you use some kind of avoidance it is good to handle it for safety...
Posted By: Reconnoiter

Re: Entities getting stuck - 01/07/14 09:04

How efficient do you want your code to be? If you don't use many enemies, maybe just let them c_scan (small range) each other periodically and if they detect each other; let them change their pan through vec_diff, vec_to_angle and my.pan.
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