SED publish error: Can't open script file

Posted By: FcoElizalde

SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/02/10 15:39

Hi everyone

Whenever I want to publish the main script I get this error:
Cant't open script file: "panels.c", clic ok and the normal publish window appears with the options and all. If I clic ok on that one, the exe supposedly gets created but cant be executed because it doesnt have the contend of "panels.c"
If I dont include any file I made like mtlFX and mtlView the publish doesnt show the "Cant open script file message"

How can I make the publisher open the script files I wrote in the folder?

Also, how can I increase the nexus for the executables?
main.c -nx200 doesnt work on the exe

Thanks in advance.
Posted By: Aku_Aku

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/02/10 21:15

At the top of your lite-c script insert this:
#include "panels.c"
Should help...
Posted By: FcoElizalde

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/02/10 23:47

Actually thats the line the publisher doesnt read.
Someone knows how to make the publisher to read those #include <script.c>
files. (Yes I tried both #include <script.c> and #include "script.c")

Any help or insight is apreciated.
Posted By: Aku_Aku

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/03/10 18:02

Perhaps more info from you could help.
Version number, source of your script, and so on...
Posted By: FcoElizalde

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/05/10 16:26

Im gonna put all that into projects soon, meanwhile, anybody knows how to increase the nexus of the executable?
Posted By: Aku_Aku

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/05/10 19:52

Look up for -nx switch in the manual. If i remember correctly...
Posted By: FcoElizalde

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/09/10 00:53

I know 2 ways to define nexus:
1) In preferences write -nx 200 on the dialog box under the options in the engine tab
2) Adding -nx 200 to the name of the file at the end (main.c -nx 200)

Both ways work on the compiled game, but not on the executable. Like if the publish command doesnt define a different nexus for the .exe; Does someone know a way to declare a higher nexus for this .exe file?

EDIT: I published it in WED and it worked. However anyone knoes how to declare it in SED? Sorry I didnt said I use SED, I did in another post and forgot to say it again.
Posted By: painkiller

Re: SED publish error: Can't open script file - 08/09/10 10:55

In WED, in Files->Map properties you can set nexus
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