undeclared identifier

Posted By: JohnnyIsDutch

undeclared identifier - 07/28/10 16:13

Hello all,

i have a problem with my code:
///////////////////////////////////////////// O.w.n..c //////////////////////////////////////////////

function main()
  if (!connection) 
    error("The Server is offlinea");
    while (dplay_status < 2) wait(1); // wait until the session is opened or joined

  dplay_localfunction = 2; // run actions both on server and client
  level_load ("O.w.n..wmb");
  vec_set(camera.x, vector (-600, 0, 100)); // set a proper camera position

  if (connection & CONNECT_SERVER)  // this instance of the game runs on the server
    ent_create ("cbabe.mdl", vector (100, 50, 40), Player); // then create the red guard!
  else // otherwise, it runs on a connected client
    ent_create ("cbabe.mdl", vector (-100,-50, 40),Player); // create the blue guard	

function camera_follow(ENTITY* ent) 

action Player()
   var walk_percentage = 0;
   while (1) 
   if (my.client_id == dplay_id) { // the following code runs on the player's client only
   my.skill1 = key_w - key_s; // forward/backward
   send_skill(my.skill1,SEND_UNRELIABLE|SEND_RATE); // send movement request to the server
   my.skill2 = key_a - key_d; // left/right rotation
   send_skill(my.skill2,SEND_UNRELIABLE|SEND_RATE); // send rotation request to the server
   if (connection & CONNECT_SERVER) 
   my.pan += my.skill2*5*time_step;   // rotate the entity using its skill2
   var distance = my.skill1*5*time_step;
   c_move(me, vector(distance,0,0), NULL, GLIDE); // move it using its skill1
   walk_percentage += distance;
   ent_animate(me,"walk",walk_percentage,ANM_CYCLE); // animate the entity	
	wait (1);

here my acklog with the error
Log of A8 Engine 8.02.0 run at Wed Jul 28 18:08:23 2010
Johnny Reinders on Windows NT/2000/XP version 6.1 Build 7600
Options O.w.n..c -cl -sv -diag -t.
App: E:\Program Files\GStudio8\acknex.exe in E:\Program Files\GStudio7\work\O.w.n\

MM mixer opened
DSOUND device opened
DI interface opened
Start Window opened(c) Conitec - www.3dgamestudio.com
A8 Engine - Trial Edition V8.02.0 - Jul 27 2010
Development version
30 days left

Mouse found
Speakers (2- BCD3000) opened
ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 pure T&L device 1ff9 detected
D3D device ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 1ff9 selected.
ackphysx.dll opened
ackwii.dll opened
Compiling O.W.N..C - [Esc] to abort....
Error in line 19:
'Player' undeclared identifier
< ent_create ("cbabe.mdl", vector (100, 50, 40), Player); // then create the red guard!
.. 0.102 sec
Error compiling O.W.N..C
Error E355: Startup failure - any key to abort
Program aborted

Close level,DLL,objects
Free input,funcs,panels,defs,syns,views,strings,vars..ok
Free sounds,bmaps,fonts,hash,defs1,script..ok
Close dx,multimedia,D3D
A8 Engine - Trial Edition V8.02.0 - Jul 27 2010
(c) Conitec - www.3dgamestudio.com
30 days left
Unfreed: 939, INC, 2136 bytes
Close window at 4.192

Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: undeclared identifier - 07/28/10 16:22

How about reading my answer in the other thread ???
Posted By: bk9iq

Re: undeclared identifier - 07/28/10 16:25

try putting the Player action above the main function....
Posted By: JohnnyIsDutch

Re: undeclared identifier - 07/28/10 17:48

this is wath he say now:
Log of A8 Engine 8.02.0 run at Wed Jul 28 19:46:40 2010
Johnny Reinders on Windows NT/2000/XP version 6.1 Build 7600
Options O.w.n..c -cl -sv -diag -t.
App: E:\Program Files\GStudio8\acknex.exe in E:\Program Files\GStudio7\work\O.w.n\

MM mixer opened
DSOUND device opened
DI interface opened
Start Window opened(c) Conitec - www.3dgamestudio.com
A8 Engine - Trial Edition V8.02.0 - Jul 27 2010
Development version
30 days left

Mouse found
Speakers (2- BCD3000) opened
ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 pure T&L device 1ff9 detected
D3D device ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 1ff9 selected.
ackphysx.dll opened
ackwii.dll opened
Compiling O.W.N..C - [Esc] to abort.....
Error in line 65:
syntax error.. 0.104 sec
Error compiling O.W.N..C
Error E355: Startup failure - any key to abort

Program aborted
Close level,DLL,objects
Free input,funcs,panels,defs,syns,views,strings,vars..ok
Free sounds,bmaps,fonts,hash,defs1,script..ok
Close dx,multimedia,D3D
A8 Engine - Trial Edition V8.02.0 - Jul 27 2010
(c) Conitec - www.3dgamestudio.com
30 days left
Unfreed: 939, INC, 2136 bytes
Close window at 4.887
but i dont have 65 lines
Posted By: bk9iq

Re: undeclared identifier - 07/28/10 19:40

Ok just try this ... it is ur code:

///////////////////////////////////////////// O.w.n..c //////////////////////////////////////////////

function camera_follow(ENTITY* ent)

action Player()

var walk_percentage = 0;
while (1)
if (my.client_id == dplay_id) { // the following code runs on the player's client only
my.skill1 = key_w - key_s; // forward/backward
send_skill(my.skill1,SEND_UNRELIABLE|SEND_RATE); // send movement request to the server
my.skill2 = key_a - key_d; // left/right rotation
send_skill(my.skill2,SEND_UNRELIABLE|SEND_RATE); // send rotation request to the server

if (connection & CONNECT_SERVER)
my.pan += my.skill2*5*time_step; // rotate the entity using its skill2
var distance = my.skill1*5*time_step;
c_move(me, vector(distance,0,0), NULL, GLIDE); // move it using its skill1
walk_percentage += distance;
ent_animate(me,"walk",walk_percentage,ANM_CYCLE); // animate the entity
wait (1);

function main()
if (!connection)
error("The Server is offlinea");
while (dplay_status < 2) wait(1); // wait until the session is opened or joined

dplay_localfunction = 2; // run actions both on server and client
level_load ("O.w.n..wmb");
vec_set(camera.x, vector (-600, 0, 100)); // set a proper camera position

if (connection & CONNECT_SERVER) // this instance of the game runs on the server
ent_create ("cbabe.mdl", vector (100, 50, 40), Player); // then create the red guard!
else // otherwise, it runs on a connected client
ent_create ("cbabe.mdl", vector (-100,-50, 40),Player); // create the blue guard

Posted By: fangedscorpion

Re: undeclared identifier - 07/28/10 19:50

This is a double posted thread because there is another thread called "Online Shooter Tutorial" that is the exact same problem and it is posted by the same person. I already posted help there as well for the starter of the tread.
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