Most efficient way of rendering stars?

Posted By: the_mehmaster

Most efficient way of rendering stars? - 08/04/09 09:13

What is the most efficient way of rendering stars, taking in quality and speed.

I wish to render many, many stars. A similar amount of detail to the game 'sins of a solar empire'.

Any help appreciated!

P.S: I did use the search function, couldn't find much.
Posted By: Claus_N

Re: Most efficient way of rendering stars? - 08/04/09 11:39

A skycube with lots of stars? smile

Edit: or maybe using particles, but it wouldn't be as efficient as the skycube afaik.
Posted By: MMike

Re: Most efficient way of rendering stars? - 08/04/09 14:20

i used for my space games, particles, or draw_3d points, based on a vector array , distribution.

and using vec_to_screen functions.
particles /points works best..
Skycube is OLd fashion... and blur etc etc.. and they dont blink, etc etc..
Posted By: MMike

Re: Most efficient way of rendering stars? - 08/04/09 14:27


Gstudio Unispace Project forum link
Posted By: the_mehmaster

Re: Most efficient way of rendering stars? - 08/07/09 08:25

Do you have some example code using particles/point3ds?
Posted By: MMike

Re: Most efficient way of rendering stars? - 09/29/09 21:23

i have my code.. og that screen shot you see, that uses nice stars, but im upgrading, this, to a Universe sandbox program, so you can tweak starts, number, etc..
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