Difference between a terrain and a level ?

Posted By: dracula

Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/17/09 15:32

What's the difference between a terrain and a single level ?

I know a terrain is a hmp file, level is a wmb file but then it all goes a bit blurred ?


Posted By: Nicotin

Re: Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/17/09 15:42

A Terrain is just the Landcape, but in a Level you can set the sun-hight the color of the sun, you can set Entitys and other Blocks. You can Form a City or something else without using code.
So the Level can contain nearly everything and a Terrain just can contain the Landscape and nothing more.
You can use the Terrain in the Level too
Posted By: dracula

Re: Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/17/09 15:52

Thanks Nicotin, that helps but I need further clarification.

What is a landscape - a terrain ?

Can a level and a terrain be combined ?

When would I use a terrain as opposed to a level ?

If my level was building and I left the building, what would I put outside (blocks or terrain) ?

Posted By: Nicotin

Re: Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/17/09 15:59

1. Yes
2. Yes you can put the terrain inside a level but not other way around
3. I would use a level everytime. So you can add Entitys or other things later on.
4. You can put bouth outside. Depends on what your level has to be. But Terrain is the best way to make a nice landscape
Posted By: dracula

Re: Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/17/09 17:17

Thanks, its getting much more clear

Posted By: unknown_master

Re: Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/19/09 08:34

terrain created in 3DsMax or MED. the file extension of it is .hmp for large map entities. the level created only in WED. the file extension of it is .wmp and when you build it, it will be .wmb file for map design and game world also.

From: Philippine Game Developers.
Posted By: dracula

Re: Difference between a terrain and a level ? - 01/19/09 08:38

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