Help with the pos_x and pos_y of the weapon panel

Posted By: LWD

Help with the pos_x and pos_y of the weapon panel - 02/11/07 17:11

How i can change the weapon hud digits pos? i try to change de Ammo Panel X Position and the Ammo Panel Y Position in the Project Manager, but nothing happens...
Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: Help with the pos_x and pos_y of the weapon pa - 02/11/07 18:17

Show your Code Please, Do you want to change X/Y Koordinates of the Digits or the Panel?

cYa Sebastian
Posted By: LWD

Re: Help with the pos_x and pos_y of the weapon pa - 02/13/07 17:37

of the digits...
Here is my code ´(i´m using the templates)

ifndef plBipedWeapHUD_wdl;
define plBipedWeapHUD_wdl;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ver: 4.6
// date: 060518
// title: Biped Player Weapon "HUD" (01)
// class: PLAYER
// type: USER
// image: plBipedHUD01.pcx
// help: Display a "Heads Up Display" for weapon state.
// needs: gid01.wdl
// needs: plSelect.wdl, cameraTarget.wdl
// needs: miscInput01.wdl, plBipedInput01.wdl
// needs: bipedPhy01.wdl,
// needs: bipedAnim01.wdl, bipedSnd01.wdl, plBiped01.wdl,
// needs: trigger00.wdl, particle00.wdl,
// needs: weaponfx00.wdl, weapons00.wdl,
// needs: plBipedWeap00.wdl
// prefix: plBipedWeapHUD01_
// idcode: 028
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// section: Ammo Panel

// entry: Ammo Panel Bitmap
// id: 2
bmap plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_bmp = <ammo_hud.tga>;

// entry: Position
// help: -1-off, 0-free, 1-upper left, 2-upper right, 3-lower left, 4-lower right
// cntl: spin -1 4 1
// id: 5
define plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_pos = 4;

// entry: Current Ammo Panel Font
// id: 1
font plBipedWeapHUD01_c_ammo_font = <font2_gray_dig.pcx>,12, 24;
//font plBipedWeapHUD01_c_ammo_font = <font2_green_dig.pcx>,12, 24;
// entry: Total Ammo Panel Font
// id: 6
font plBipedWeapHUD01_t_ammo_font = <font1_blue.pcx>,12,16;
//font plBipedWeapHUD01_t_ammo_font = <font1_green.pcx>,12,16;

panel plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan
bmap = plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_bmp;
// entry: Ammo Panel X position
// id: 3
pos_X = 636; //636
// entry: Ammo Panel Y position
// id: 4
pos_y = 528;
digits = 50,20,4,plBipedWeapHUD01_c_ammo_font,1,plBipedWeap00_curr_ammo;
digits = 95,28,4,plBipedWeapHUD01_t_ammo_font,1,plBipedWeap00_res_ammo;
flags = overlay,refresh,visible,transparent;
layer = 2;

starter PlBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo()
// used to store the old resolution
var old_video_mode = 0;

// remove panel
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.visible = off;
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.refresh = off;

// panel uses set position
if((plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_pos == 0) || (plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_pos > 4))

if(old_video_mode != video_mode)

if(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_pos < 2)
// 1-upper left
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_x = 0;
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_y = 2; // bug(?) requires a 2 pixel offset to show digits
if(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_pos < 3)
// 2-upper right,
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_x = (screen_size.x - bmap_width(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_bmp));
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_y = 2; // bug(?) requires a 2 pixel offset to show digits

if(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_pos < 4)
// 3-lower left
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_x = 0;
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_y = (screen_size.y - bmap_height(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_bmp));;

// 4-lower right
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_x = (screen_size.x - bmap_width(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_bmp));
plBipedWeapHUD01_Ammo_Pan.pos_y = (screen_size.y - bmap_height(plBipedWeapHUD01_ammo_bmp));;

old_video_mode = video_mode;
wait(5); // no need to update every frame


Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: Help with the pos_x and pos_y of the weapon pa - 02/13/07 18:09

  digits = 50,20,4,plBipedWeapHUD01_c_ammo_font,1,plBipedWeap00_curr_ammo;
digits = 95,28,4,plBipedWeapHUD01_t_ammo_font,1,plBipedWeap00_res_ammo;

Change the Red Marked Numbers, the first Number is X and the second one ist Y

Hope this helps u

cYa Sebastian
Posted By: LWD

Re: Help with the pos_x and pos_y of the weapon pa - 02/13/07 18:14

Thanks a lot!
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