Humble Indie Bundle V

Posted By: Germanunkol

Humble Indie Bundle V - 05/31/12 21:35

HIB V is out. You should buy it.
Sadly, I already own most of the games on there. Still, I might get it anyways...
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/01/12 05:22

Yeah, it's an incredible bundle. I also have most of the games already, but I'd like to finally play Limbo, and get Linux versions of the games I already have.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/01/12 12:28

limbo is very fun. keep music off, and do it when your really tired at night. It gets boring after a while but when you first start off its pretty cool
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/02/12 00:57

I'd get it just for Bastion. I've heard great things about that game.
Posted By: Error014

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/02/12 09:48

How ironic.
This bundle is so good with the games in it that I can't justify buying it, as I already own all the games (but Limbo, which I'm not too interested in after playing the demo). I've bought "worse" bundles that came out previously. laugh

Still, I can only recommend all the games I've played here. laugh

...... I suppose it might be worth it for the soundtrack and the "surprise additions" that are almost certain to come later...
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/02/12 12:30

Bought it anways. Started playing a little amnesia, and now I'm too scared to continue grin

I'm also glad all of the ones I've tried run without any problem on Linux... which is awesome. With previous games, I've had some troubles installing them. These ones run just fine.
Posted By: Error014

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/02/12 16:37

Amnesia really is something else laugh

I've been playing it in a group of three people, and it's amazing entertainment -- the people not playing are half-scared, half-amused at the one person who is playing and, in turn, completely terrified. Good times.

Though, the prison level? That one is evil. So is the water monster.

Oh god the water monster.
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/03/12 14:54

Don't spoil it! grin

I've only seen "something" somewhere in the dark. Which makes it much worse than actually having seen a monster clearly right up front, I think tongue

Also played a little Bastion. That is one good game!
Great graphics, great feel to it, great narration. Even the Menus seem really, really good.
Posted By: Error014

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/03/12 22:05

You're definitely right - it was a very clever design decision in Amnesia to remove combat AND encourage looking away from the monsters (to not lose sanity) - it keeps them in the "scary unknown" category.

Bastion's narrator favorite moment (so far):

When I did the normal videogame thing - that is destroyed every pot and box and what-have-you for the thingalings inside - and the narrator acknowledges it and makes it sound like it's all part of the story.

"The Kid just rages for a while".

But also kind of makes you feel uneasy and observed! grin
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/04/12 12:17

I got that one too grin
There's more of that kind though, which I also liked. It's also cool how the comments are never said twice...
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/07/12 07:31

Yes, Bastion is a great game!
Also the possibility of level changes as a result of enemy attacks (floor falls down). Great Idea!
Also in some cases it makes sense to play the game again (If you know what i mean)
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Humble Indie Bundle V - 06/07/12 15:21

Limbo is the only one on the list i've played before on xb360. I got the hb5 and downloaded limbo to show my roommate and it wont run right :((((
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