Any up2date OpenGL tuts?

Posted By: Espér

Any up2date OpenGL tuts? - 04/10/12 15:48

Hi there..
I wanted to learn how to use OpenGL with C++, but stuck in a little problem.
Many Online Tutorials are outdated (using unknown or not available headers and syntax)...

So my Question:
Do you know a good, beginner friendly, tutorial to start with?
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Any up2date OpenGL tuts? - 04/11/12 06:15

unknown headers?
are you sure you just don't have them all? is very, very good.

the headers you need are:

GL/glut.h // Window stuff OR
GL/glfw.h // openGL FrameWork

GL/glew.h // new stuff support without address binding

You should start with OpenGL 2.0 (nehe is 1.2 to 2.0) and then when you're familiar with GL switch to OpenGL 3.0

Suggested reading:
OpenGL Redbook (programming guide)
OpenGL Bluebook (reference guide)
OpenGL SuperBible

OpenGL is a good api, but before you can dwell into 3.0 I suggest to understand the basics first.

Hope I could help laugh
Posted By: Espér

Re: Any up2date OpenGL tuts? - 04/11/12 12:06

the Problem with Nehe, is their usage of the glaux.lib and glaux.h.. wich is totally outdated.. i can´t even find this two files in the internet.. it´s to old..

and without knowlege of OpenGL.. how to rewrite the glaux lines to a newer working one?
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Any up2date OpenGL tuts? - 04/11/12 15:46

ahh I forgot it used them. No you don't need them. at all. ever.

Just download the "GLUT" version of the tutorials. Also you don't need to worry about making your window handle in windows. Just use GLUT. or GLFW if that's more your liking.
Posted By: Espér

Re: Any up2date OpenGL tuts? - 04/11/12 17:06

alright - thx grin
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Any up2date OpenGL tuts? - 04/11/12 18:09

I highly recommend SDL. It's a low-level layer that lets you use the same code on Windows, Mac or Linux, letting you manipulate windows, access keyboard/mouse/gamepads, play sounds, interact with OpenGL, and so on.

It's used in a bunch of games, including (as I mention in the Future forums) Super Meat Boy, Dwarf Fortress, Lugaru, Overgrowth, Penumbra: Overture, World of Goo, Doom 3, FreeSpace 2, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament (and 2003 and 2004), Sim City 3000, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Lazy Foo' has awesome tutorials that guide you through the entire setup process with specific information for whatever OS you use and whatever compiler you use. Then it explains a whole bunch of SDL specific stuff, but doesn't really get far into OpenGL.

Then go back to the NeHe tutorials and you can separate the general OpenGL stuff from the glaux stuff quite easily, for the most part.

Inestical is much more experienced with engine dev than I am, but I've been really happy with the SDL/OpenGL combo.
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