to all the native Americans

Posted By: Joey

to all the native Americans - 07/02/11 18:00

I just read that "fountain pens" (that's what dict.leo calls them) are not common in the USA. Is that true? I.e. you don't use these:

and thus one cannot buy ink in the US, e.g.

Is that true? The weird name "fountain pen" makes me think they're not very common. But since you live there maybe you can tell me.
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/02/11 20:57

When you made the title of this thread "to all native americans" I thought you were going to start a rant about American Indians or something. grin

Anyway, fountain pens are available, but they're not commonly used. If you want to get one in America, you have to hunt around office supply stores a bit.
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/02/11 21:35

Is there a reason for this? I remember that we had to use them in school here in germany =/
Posted By: Joey

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/02/11 22:02

I just ask because I need to know if I have to bring a big supply of ink to the US (which then should not explode in my luggage if possible).
Posted By: FlorianP

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/02/11 23:48

Why would you want to use these anyway?
Just take a pen...
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/03/11 03:39

Say, may I ask where exactly you plan to go in America?
Posted By: RealSerious3D

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/03/11 03:40

You can buy ink here in the USA. And you can purchase fountain pens as well. Office supply stores should have both and, if they don't, then an art or arts and craft store will.
Posted By: Joey

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/03/11 08:16

Okay, thanks, that's good to hear. I don't like pens as I want to be able to use an ink eraser.
@Redeemer: to Ithaca
Posted By: RealSerious3D

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/03/11 13:33

Okay, thanks, that's good to hear. I don't like pens as I want to be able to use an ink eraser.

They sell pens that erase (and that have an eraser) as well.
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/03/11 13:47

I second what RS3D said, my dad bought a pen with an eraser just a few weeks ago. Works great.

Also there are 6 different cities in the US named Ithaca, you'd have to be more specific than that. wink Although my first guess is Ithaca, New York?
Posted By: Joey

Re: to all the native Americans - 07/03/11 14:09

Ah, okay, that's good news =).

There are six cities named Ithaca? I just checked, you're right ^^. Thanks. But yeah, it's the one in Upstate New York.
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