iPhone, Mac, Games, ...

Posted By: Slin

iPhone, Mac, Games, ... - 05/18/09 13:57

Just in case someone is intersted in it...
I have got an iPod touch for quite some time now and wanted to develope my own games and programs for it.
I tried to develope with an open source toolchain for Linux on windows using cygwin. I had a lot of problems with it and didnīt get more to work than a basic window which opened without a crash. After quite some time I finally decided to buy a mac mini for the developement, which arrived about two weeks ago. After the first day of using it, I didnīt really want to go back to windows. xCode is a totally awsome developement environment which offers me everything I need. The only problem was that the iPhone simulator is quite restricted. Thus I decided to pay to create code signing profiles and all that stuff. It took me quite some time to figure those out and I still donīt completely understand the code signing. But as soon as one got it done once, it works just great.
It is a lot of fun to work with the SDK as it is very well designed.

I started working on a simple project to get used to it and have a simple overview of my project here.
If you are interested in more information about the SDK or my project or what ever, feel free to post here smile

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: iPhone, Mac, Games, ... - 05/18/09 14:33

Great, very interesting. Will definitely watch your progress! smile
Posted By: Hitsch

Re: iPhone, Mac, Games, ... - 05/18/09 15:13

I'd like to see you're progress with this.

This is a step I wanted to take for some time, too.
I've also got an iPod Touch and I love this device, but it's not very easy to start developing for it, since you do need a Mac for it. But then again there's really some money to be made in this market, so you're investment could actually repay itself...

Are you planing on developing programs for this platform as well or are you focusing on games?
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: iPhone, Mac, Games, ... - 05/19/09 11:44

So intresting, just keep it up! smile
Posted By: Slin

Re: iPhone, Mac, Games, ... - 05/22/09 10:36

Are you planing on developing programs for this platform as well or are you focusing on games?

Iīve got more ideas for simple games but I also wouldnīt mind to try realizing a usefull program.

There are two videos on my projects page now, here is the latest:

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