W1551 with ATI card when game minimized

Posted By: YNG

W1551 with ATI card when game minimized - 08/20/08 11:24

Firstly hi,
I am having some problems with 7.10.1. I have already seen at Bugs page that W1551 had seen at GeForce cards but i use a Asus ATI X1650 and i thought my problem may be a little different than the problem at GeForce cards.

At my project i use 3 shaders. One for bloom, one for env. map and the other is a simple metal shader. When i play the game at fullscreen mode everything works perfect until i minimize the game with Alt+Tab. I get W1551 error for the shaders i use and if i ignore these errors and click "OK" and maximize the game again i get these two errors in order.

I also made a test project to find if the problem was a bug or not. I made a empty level with a hollow cube and applied a bloom shader. This time when i minimized the game i get the W1551 error again but didn't get the the other two errors when i tried to maximize. Instead of that errors the game continued to run but the bloom shader was disabled.

I already made another test to be also sure that i apply the shaders correctly. So i changed the shaderTest.c to run it at fullscreen mode. And when i tried to minimize i got the W1551 error and after maximizng again it was runnin normally but shader was disabled like at the other test i made. Also tried the same things with shaderTest.c again with version 7.07's SED. With 7.07's SED there was neither errors nor disabled shaders.

W-2113929204 error might be a mistake by me and i ll post the reason as soon as i find. But for now i would like to learn that if this problem is the one whic appears at GeForce cards? At Bugs page says that "Warning W1551 was replaced by an acklog.txt message in A7.20.0.". Will this prevent the shaders being disabled or is it only a solution for W1551 errors which seen at GeForce cards?

Thanks for your interest and
Best regards...
Posted By: jcl

Re: W1551 with ATI card when game minimized - 08/22/08 07:24

This is probably related to the ATI 3850 problem that also affects some other ATI cards. If so, then it's fixed in the next update.
Posted By: YNG

Re: W1551 with ATI card when game minimized - 08/22/08 19:39

Today i tested my project at my sisters PC. She owns a GeForce 5700FX and the W-2113929204 and E2000 error appeared at her PC also when i tried to maximize the game window after minimizing it with Alt+Tab. Same errors occur also at my PC when i try to change resolution also. So I made some tests again with shadertest.c and i understood that if u try to change resolution or minimize and maximize the game while d3d_antialias is on u get the E2000 error. W-2113929204 error has also disapeared after turning off antialias at my project. I checked the manual to be sure that if there is a note about that, because there was a bug with antialias+shaders at 7.07, but i couldnt see any note about this. This might be a bug also.
Posted By: jcl

Re: W1551 with ATI card when game minimized - 08/26/08 08:39

W-2113929204 looks like a DirectX error. If it's not the ATI problem, it could be caused by your shader.

Can you send that project to the support? We'll look into it and will find out what's wrong.
Posted By: YNG

Re: W1551 with ATI card when game minimized - 08/26/08 14:14

I tested d3d_antialias problem also with shadertest.c. E2000 error occurs with that too. But if it will be helpful i can send my project too because at my project W-2113929204 and E2000 erros occur both. Also how can i send my project to support. I dont know the mail adress to send, also shall i attach the file or can i use a rapidshare link?? And about the shaders i use at my projects. Two of them are default bloom shader and waterEnv. The other is an old simple metal shader.

EDIT: I just made some more tests to find the real reason which causes these erros. I made all these test with shadertest.c. I found these results after some tests.

- If antialias is on and there is a shader used; changing resoulution (at fullscreen mode or windowed, it doesnt affect) causes a E2000 error. (same result with published version)
- If antialias is on and there is a shader used; minimizing window with Alt+Tab causes W1551 for every shaders used at that moment (this should be the ATI problem). After ignoring these errors and pressing OK and maximizing the game screen again causes a W-2113929204 + E2000. (making Alt+Tab caused a direct crash with published version)
Its midnight now so i couldnt try the same test at my sisters GeForce FX5700. I will test the same things with his PC also. As soon as i do, i ll post it too here. I also wrote the changes i made at shadertest.c just at the bottom.


ofn.lpstrFilter = "Supported File Types(*.fx, *.cg)\0*.fx;*.cg\0\0";
ofn.lpstrTitle = "Load external scene shader";
ofn.lpstrFile = shaderDir;
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;

if ( GetOpenFileName(&ofn) )
shaderIsIntern = 0;
//ssNumber = 1; change_ssSlider();
(spSceneShaderName.pstring)[0] = "EXTERNAL";


function test_function()

///////////////// The main function //////////////////////////
function main()
video_mode = 7;
//video_screen = 1;
sun_angle.pan = 270;
//fps_max = 10;


on_exit = exit_and_delete;
on_esc = exit_and_delete;
on_enter= test_function;
Posted By: jcl

Re: W1551 with ATI card when game minimized - 08/28/08 08:59

The support address can be found under "Support FAQ".

E2000 is an error issued by the driver of your 3D card. It totally depends on the driver - in this case it's probably that the 3D card can not build certain textures due to a too high antialiasing setting. This error will not be issued in the release version, but the texture will there not be created, either.

I don't know the other error, though, so for that reason we'd like to look into your project when you send it to the support.
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