Equity/balance curve export without LOGFILE?

Posted By: Sphin

Equity/balance curve export without LOGFILE? - 01/25/18 18:27

Is there a possibility to export the equity curves after test runs without setting LOGFILE? I'm testing with NumTotalCycles = 1000 and LogNumber = TotalCycle for individual equity curve files but each test run is about 10 years and approx. 6000+ trades and if Zorro must write to log it will not get ready within a reasonable time. Workarounds are also welcome. laugh

Thanks, Sphin
Posted By: jcl

Re: Equity/balance curve export without LOGFILE? - 01/26/18 07:19

I'm not sure if it works, but try setting LOGFILE only in the init and exit run, and reset it inbetween.
Posted By: Sphin

Re: Equity/balance curve export without LOGFILE? - 01/26/18 18:26

This indeed makes Zorro logging only intro and result but the equity curves are stored anyway and it seems to be a little bit faster, thanks!
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