Multi cores issue

Posted By: MatPed

Multi cores issue - 10/15/16 16:27

I train workshop 6_1 in multi-cores mode. No issue
I copy the script in another directory, train. No issue
I change the name of the script, train. The multi-cores function does not work.

Different Zorro are opened, but not working. Only the main one works, so the trading never ends because the main zorro is waiting for the other cores to do their jobs. The "core active - please wait" is displayed forever.
A pic with the issue from the task-manager perspective is attached.


Attached File
Untitled.png  (127 downloads)
Posted By: jcl

Re: Multi cores issue - 10/17/16 12:44

What's the evil script name that causes multi-core not to work?
Posted By: MatPed

Re: Multi cores issue - 10/25/16 21:05

This is a Bug 99%.
Attached the screen shot with the multicore hanged. I notice that the correct script name is not displayed in the multi core windows.
Script and screenshot attached.

Done some more other tests the issue does not happen if I train the same script in the defalt Strategy dir. HtH


Attached File
Attached File
Workshop6_1 - Copy.c  (27 downloads)
Posted By: jcl

Re: Multi cores issue - 10/28/16 16:21

Thou shalt not give your files evil names...

Blanks, other special characters, or '/' in a file name are no good for passing them to command lines, as is the case for multicore. Some programs deal with such a situation by adding quotes to the file name, others don't. Zorro adds no quotes. So, use normal file names please. Sames goes for variable names, asset names, or any other names in your scripts.
Posted By: MatPed

Re: Multi cores issue - 10/28/16 17:53

The evil name is now 2 chars and one digit: TS1
The issue is still there.

Attached picture Untitled.jpg
Posted By: MatPed

Re: Multi cores issue - 11/06/16 11:09

Ok, the support answered on this issue:

that's correct. Multicore training starts the training processes via command line, and for this the script must be located in the Strategy folder.

Best regards

Zorro Support Team

I have created a dummy.c script in the the standard Strategy folder just including the original strategy file located in other directory and it works, but its a limit to take into consideration.

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