Recompile doesn't reflect changes

Posted By: CL1

Recompile doesn't reflect changes - 11/27/13 13:46

Sometimes I change some features in a zorro strategy, hit save and re-test. However, the changes I made are not reflected in the recompile, and the old file is still being run. This was confirmed by using crazy values that are impossible to trigger trades with no effect, ie. trades still taken. To "solve" this, I simply saved as a new filename and the new values were compiled.

However, now that I am running live, I need to preserve the filename so that open positions are resumed. How do I force Zorro to properly recompile?

I should mention that this doesn't happen all the time. It is happening on my live system, hence the problem - I cannot change my lot size!

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Recompile doesn't reflect changes - 11/27/13 13:51

Are you using is(INITRUN) block to initialize your globals?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Recompile doesn't reflect changes - 11/27/13 13:56

Also, check if turning off UAC fixes the problem for you.
Posted By: CL1

Re: Recompile doesn't reflect changes - 11/27/13 14:09

Thanks, I didn't see that in the manual. This appears to be a likely source of my issue. I'll turn of UAC and see if it fixes the problem, which was strangely only intermittent.

Thanks Acidburn.
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