Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer

Posted By: Trokuhan

Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 04/09/08 13:34

Anyone looking for someone thats incredibly creative and talented in several mediums of art? I can produce proficient models (High detail poly count, still working on skinning). Im great at 2D, skilled hands with a pencil. Can create original, deep, fluent ideas for any facet of the game, including storylines, character development, environment design, game features in general. Other than my skills Im bringing a lot of energy to the table. I have a lot of anxious jitters for just getting back into game development. If theres anything I cant do for the team Ill try to learn. Im not worried about getting paid, if the idea and determination is even half-way strong Im confident it could lead to a paycheck or 2 for everybody, atleast a better game-engine, since Im only using Lite-C (willing to switch to other versions, I just grabbed it to start quick). Thanks for taking the time to read this, write to Trokuhan@hotmail.com if interested.
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 04/09/08 17:05

Sounds good...
Some examples of ur work?
Posted By: Trokuhan

Re: Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 04/09/08 18:00

Unfortunately I dont have any samples, I just started back in this business. The only thing I can offer is a look into my art books, which is going to take a day or two to get some of that on my PC. Ill post back with some of these later. As for models, I dont have any projects in the making of my own so no reason thus far to make any. Ill take any requests for something to make and post pics of them in a day or so after prompt. Either they will lack a skin or take a little longer to make. Feel free, no limits, it'll just be more practice for me anyway.
Posted By: Sadr

Re: Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 05/02/08 12:23

Feel free to come check us out at Radakan.org, as we're always looking for talented pencil-artists.

We let anyone start as a contributor, allowing you to start working without much hassle. Your involvement in the project will be up to you. We already got many talented artists aboard who can help you progress with your talents.
Posted By: chaotic_dragon

Re: Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 05/29/08 23:47

Very nice to see such willingness to help and for no amount :P.
I cannot offer you a profit, nor can i offer you anything, but I will offer you the chance to be a part of amazing projects with ideas these guys havent used in their projects before lol joking these guys are above my standard. If you are interested in FPS and RTS games based on modern war and the Conflict of life please email to cdtjones69@hotmail.com or add that address into your msn if you use it as I am on 24/7.
Thankyou for your time.
Posted By: SilientP

Re: Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 06/10/08 12:24

Please email me at jservia@ecgames.com. I would be interested in chatting.
Posted By: Trokuhan

Re: Experienced Modeller.Graphx Designer - 06/14/08 19:45

Enlisted to Spearbang Productions
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