Windowed screen en start screen.

Posted By: Realspawn

Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/11/15 14:20

Is there someone that can tell me step by step how :

- When game starts in window mode the title on its bar wont say 3d engine but the name of the game.

- Change the starting up screen.

I got pro version and did read about adding a wdl but not sure how

thank you for your time
Posted By: Superku

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/11/15 15:51

Check out

Regarding the startup screen, read here:

There is an example code of mine somewhere near the end.
Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 14:52

i use video_set(800,600,32,0); and that works however the name of the window (in the window bar) says A8 engine ? how to change it ?

About the start window its not clear to me i need to create
a wdl file ? but does it need to be called on by the lite_c script ?
I tried the manual links but is there not a walk through that helps
you realize it all ?
Posted By: Florastamine

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 15:18

Originally Posted By: Realspawn
i use video_set(800,600,32,0); and that works however the name of the window (in the window bar) says A8 engine ? how to change it ?

As Superku said, use video_window(), the fourth parameter controls the window bar's title. This is the easiest way.

I don't know about the Pro version, but from reading the manual it seems you have to create a .wdl, put some window starter code in, and build the wdl with "Starter" option checked. A wdf will be produced, which you'll put into your game folder.
Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 15:51

ehm in the video_set is no txt input place ?


put some window start code in sounds simple yet it is not.
I tried superku's example code saved the wdl with the same name
as script then with publish i select starter and then
errors grin

wdfc.exe: No starter window definition found! ??
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 15:53

video_set != video_window

video_window(NULL, NULL, 0, "window name");
Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 16:05

Thank you Kartoffel that works laugh learned and will memorize this laugh
any tips about the start view stuff ? in order to pubish my game
i need this to work laugh

Posted By: Florastamine

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 17:09

Originally Posted By: Realspawn

put some window start code in sounds simple yet it is not.
I tried superku's example code saved the wdl with the same name
as script then with publish i select starter and then
errors grin

There's some example code in the manual
  TITLE "My Simulator";
  SIZE 480,320;
  BG_COLOR RGB(240,240,240);
  FRAME FTYP1,0,0,480,320;
  BUTTON BUTTON_START,SYS_DEFAULT,"Start",400,288,72,24;
  BUTTON BUTTON_QUIT,SYS_DEFAULT,"Abort",400,288,72,24;
  SET FONT "Arial", RGB(255,255,255);
  TEXT "Get ready...", 0,0;
  TEXT_STDOUT "Arial",RGB(0,0,0),10,10,460,280;
  PROGRESS RGB(0,0,255), 10, 0, 300, 400, 20;
  COMMAND "-diag";

The reason you got the error from his code is this line
BG_PATTERN <starter_sk.bmp>,OPAQUE;

It needs starter_sk.bmp exists to be able to compile the wdf laugh
Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/12/15 17:36

this works so what is wrong with the code example from superku ?
as that one gives the error while the starter bmp is in the folder.
Posted By: Florastamine

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/13/15 07:04

Originally Posted By: Realspawn
this works so what is wrong with the code example from superku ?
as that one gives the error while the starter bmp is in the folder.

Limit the file name length to 8 characters or less, and the .bmp should only be 256 colors (you can use a small free image utility ( IrfanView IrfanView) for that). Open the image, then select Image > Decrease color depth and then choose 256.

Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/14/15 22:59

oke thx all works now is there a way to make the start screen
stay longer on screen before game starts ? it now does show the pic but its gone in a flash grin
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/14/15 23:38

Well aside from a true answer, there is no reason that after it closes, the engine can't - opens to the same size and image for x=amount of time. You can cause a window to stay that way for as long as you like. Also, I'm sure you want more splash screens to play before game loading.
Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Windowed screen en start screen. - 12/15/15 00:39

It got al clear to me as my game does not need much memory it starts up fvery fast laugh so all is solved laugh thank you all for explaining this stuff.
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