lighting an mdl item


lighting an mdl item - 07/05/15 11:35

HI Folks - apologies for being a nuisance yet again.
I am working with A7 in c-script.
I have a curved tunnel made in mdl (only way I can get smooth curves) with a wdl floor block. Both textured the same.
A group of blue crystals give illumination to the scene - dotted along the tunnel floor.
I then use pale blue light over the crystals to throw a splash of light on the floor and the tunnel walls.
PROBLEM - the floor picks up the light just fine, but the mdl walls do not !
I can't find anything about lighting mdl items in the manual or the forum. I have tried using the 'properties' box, but I can't light up an mdl item with a light!
How do you do this?
Hopefully, David
Posted By: Superku

Re: lighting an mdl item - 07/05/15 12:58

Anything other than static WED blocks does not support static lighting. You'd have to emulate that with dynamic lights (entity.lightrange) or sprite and texture work.
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