Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript

Posted By: Deathmaster

Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/08/10 19:42

Hey Leute,
ich hab ein kleines Problem...chen mit dem Player-Skript meines ersten Egoshooters. Ich bin noch recht neu und hab mich deshalb teilweise ans Shootertemplate des AUM gehalten, aber auch einiges selbst geschrieben. Wenn ich das Spiel jetzt starte, hängt der Player halb im Boden fest und die Maus reagiert nicht...ich hab schon einiges probiert, aber anscheinend noch nicht das Richtige. Hier ist mal der gesamte Player-Skript(Achtung, er ist recht lang, noch nicht optimiert, aber auf eher niedrigem Niveau):

//in (bad) english
Hey Guys,
i have (a little…) problem with the player skript of my first egoshooter. I used not lite-c for a long time; that´s why I put some parts of shootertemplate (AUM) in my script. If I start my game, the player hangs till his half in the ground and the mouse don’t react. Here is the whole player script (it is very long, not optimized, but on a low standart):

var camera_h_speed;
var camera_v_speed;
var camera_h_accel = 12;
var camera_v_accel = 8;
var camera_h_frict = 0.95;
var camera_v_frict = 0.8;
var cam_height = 35;

var mouse_spd = 10;

var my_height;
var my_speed;

//players speed
var run_spd = 20;
var walk_spd = 10;
var strafe_spd = 5;
var crawl_spd = 5;'
var seal_spd = 3;

var force_jump = 20;
//players speed

//players health, armor, etc.
var player_health = 100;
//players health, armor, etc.

//players stats
var stand_var = 1;
var ducking_var = 0;
var lying_var = 0;

var walking_var = 0;
var crawling_var = 0;
var sealing_var = 0;

var running_var = 0;

var jump_var = 0;
//players stats

VECTOR dist;
VECTOR absdist;
VECTOR force;

STRING* key_forward = "w";
STRING* key_backward = "s";
STRING* key_left = "a";
STRING* key_right = "d";
STRING* key_jump = "space";
STRING* key_run = "shiftl";
STRING* key_ducking = "strg";

function handle_crawl()
if (stand_var + walking_var == 1)
if (key_ctrl)
c_trace(player.x, vector(player.x, player.y, player.z + 35), IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE|USE_BOX|IGNORE_SPRITES);
stand_var = 0;
walking_var = 0;
crawling_var = 0;
ducking_var = 1;
if (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d > 0)
ducking_var = 0;
crawling_var = 1;
if (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d == 0)
crawling_var = 0;
ducking_var = 1;
if (crawling_var + ducking_var == 1)
if (key_ctrl)
crawling_var = 0;
ducking_var = 0;
stand_var = 1;


function handle_seal()
if (stand_var + walking_var + crawling_var + ducking_var == 1)
if (key_m)
c_trace(player.x, vector(player.x, player.y, player.z + 35), IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE|USE_BOX|IGNORE_SPRITES);
stand_var = 0;
walking_var = 0;
crawling_var = 0;
ducking_var = 1;
if (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d > 0)
ducking_var = 0;
crawling_var = 1;
if (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d == 0)
crawling_var = 0;
ducking_var = 1;
if (sealing_var + lying_var == 1)
if (key_m)
lying_var = 0;
ducking_var = 1;
sealing_var = 0;


function handle_jump()
if (stand_var + walking_var + running_var == 1)
jump_var = 1;
stand_var = 0;
walking_var = 0;
running_var = 0;
while(key_space) wait(1);
jump_var = 0;
stand_var = 1;

function handle_gravity()
my_height = c_trace(my.x,vector(my.x,my.y,my.z - 1000),IGNORE_MODELS|IGNORE_PASSABLE|IGNORE_SPRITES|USE_BOX);
if(my_height > 10)
accelerate(absdist.z,-10,1); // 10 is gravity and 1 is acceleration
absdist.z = -(my_height/1.2)+4; // play with 4 (used for smooth)
absdist.z = clamp(absdist.z,-4,4); // limit absdist
if(my_height < 10 && jump_var == 0)
jump_var = 1;
absdist.z = force_jump * time_step*4; // push the player upwards


function handle_camera()
my.pan = camera.pan;
camera.arc = 80;
camera.clip_near = 0;
camera.pan -= accelerate (camera_h_speed, camera_h_accel*(mouse_force.x), camera_h_frict);
camera.tilt += accelerate (camera_v_speed, camera_v_accel*(mouse_force.y), camera_v_frict);
camera.tilt = clamp(camera.tilt,-80,80);
vec_lerp(camera.x,camera.x,vector(my.x,my.y,my.z + cam_height),0.2);
//handle_crawl(); // crawling

function handle_movement()
running_var = 1;
if(crawling_var + ducking_var == 1)
force.x = crawl_spd * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
force.y = crawl_spd * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
if(walking_var + stand_var == 1)
force.x = run_spd * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
force.y = strafe_spd * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
if(lying_var + sealing_var == 1)
force.x = seal_spd * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
force.y = seal_spd * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
if(crawling_var + ducking_var == 1)
force.x = crawl_spd * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
force.y = crawl_spd * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
if(walking_var + stand_var == 1)
force.x = walk_spd * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
force.y = strafe_spd * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;
if(lying_var + sealing_var == 1)
force.x = seal_spd * (key_w - key_s) * time_step;
force.y = seal_spd * (key_a - key_d) * time_step;

if((walking_var + stand_var == 0) && (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d > 0))
walking_var = 1;
stand_var = 0;

if((crawling_var + ducking_var == 0) && (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d > 0))
crawling_var = 1;
ducking_var = 0;

if((sealing_var + lying_var == 0) && (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d > 0))
sealing_var = 1;
lying_var = 0;

if((walking_var + stand_var == 0) && (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d + key_space == 0))
walking_var = 0;
stand_var = 1;

if((crawling_var + ducking_var == 0) && (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d + key_space == 0))
crawling_var = 0;
ducking_var = 1;

if((sealing_var + lying_var == 0) && (key_w + key_a + key_s + key_d + key_space == 0))
sealing_var = 0;
lying_var = 1;

move_friction = 0;
move_min_z = -1;
vec_set(temp.x, my.x);
temp.z -= 10000;
current_height = c_trace(my.x, temp.x, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX | GLIDE); // compute the distance between player's origin and the floor below its feet
if(current_height < (tshooter_disttoground * 0.97)) // if it is smaller than the default value (64 quants) push the player upwards a bit (resilience) - 0.97 gives the hysteresis
vertical_speed.z = tshooter_resilience * time_step;
if(current_height > tshooter_disttoground) // if it is bigger than the default value (64 quants), move the player downwards
vertical_speed.z -= tshooter_fallspeed * time_step;
else // sitting properly on the floor?
vertical_speed.z = 0; // then don't do anything on the z axis
if((jump_on) && (current_height < tshooter_disttoground)) // jumping while player's feet are placed on the floor?
if (!snd_playing (jump_handle)) // if no jumping sound is playing, play the jumping sound now
jump_handle = snd_play(tshooter_jump_wav, 70, 0);
vertical_speed.z = tshooter_jump * time_step; // push the player upwards

action player_walk()
player = my;
player_health = 100;
my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW;
set(my, FLAG2);
my.emask |= ENABLE_IMPACT;
while(player_health > 0)
//player_health =;
handle_jump ();
my_speed = c_move(my,dist,absdist,IGNORE_PASSABLE|GLIDE);
player_health = 0;
while (camera.tilt < 90)
camera.tilt += 2 * time_step;
camera.roll += 1.5 * time_step;
wait (1);

Entschuldigt bitte das schlechte Englisch(z.B. "ducking") an einigen Stellen, ich war mir bei den Vokabeln nicht ganz sicher und hab dann halt auf "Denglish" geschrieben laugh

Danke schon mal im Voraus

Please excuse the very bad english also in the skript(f. ex. "ducking") in several places, I wasn´t sure with some vocabularys, that´s why I wrote Germish laugh
Thanks in advance

Posted By: 3run

Re: Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/08/10 20:28

Please, as I see my script here, could you translate your speech in to English?
I want to help you wink

And if you changed code yourself, I can tell you that you made it too complicated grin And even wrong....
Posted By: Deathmaster

Re: Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/09/10 14:19

Ohh, sorry grin I will translate it...ohh you´re right, I didn´t use the AUM skript, but yours movement demo laugh Thanks a lot for it
Posted By: 3run

Re: Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/09/10 14:38

I'm happy to see that you found it useful laugh
But why wouldn't you just use as it is? Why do you need Shooterscript?
I'm a bit busy at the moment, I'll check the script a bit later...
Posted By: Deathmaster

Re: Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/09/10 17:09

Yes, i need a shooter script with crawling, sealing, lying and all that stuff. I want that the mode of the character(crawling, sealing, walkin, standing, etc.) influences the accuracy of the (gun) shoots.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/09/10 18:02

Does shooter template has all that?)) You can make prone (not lying) same as crawling))
Posted By: Deathmaster

Re: Probleme mit Egoshooter-Player-Skript - 12/10/10 14:14

No, the shooter template hasn´t (any) accuracy at all, but I want to make the shoots with c_trace and I want accuracy grin. I would find it very cool, if you could help me with the script.
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