
Posted By: MMike

Encrypt - 06/13/10 00:22


How can i encrypt a string?
for example:
I have this email: mm@ne.com..
and i want to make a unique identifier of that, to save as a file, in a txt file. but the name of the txt file cant be the email so to speak.
So.. i though about using somekind of hash md5 or another simpler.. but i think there is no function included for that right?
i want to make it or a numer 147912748198 or 82h2tf98f2he5c3 string
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: Encrypt - 06/13/10 00:30

Here is a really great SHA2 implementation in C:

Should be work without any changes with Lite-C
Posted By: Quad

Re: Encrypt - 06/13/10 00:32

hashing algorithms like md5 is virtually irreversible.

(i.e. you can't have the email back from the hash itself)

but if that's what you need, i am sure you can easly find C implementations of md5, that probably will directly work in lite-c or need very little editing.
Posted By: MMike

Re: Encrypt - 06/13/10 01:17

Quadraxas, i know, i dont need the reverse... its one way convertiong, to obtain an unique ID number.

Thnaks for all.
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