Can't Open Direct X Device

Posted By: sakthi

Can't Open Direct X Device - 11/18/09 06:47

I have installed the 3D GameStudio A7.21

My Game is running properly through source, when I publish as exe it gives an error as Can't open DirectX Device.

I have installed updated DirectX 9.12.589.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Can't Open Direct X Device - 11/18/09 07:08

WAREZ versions are buggy. and 7.21 is too old. get the latest LEGAL version, either lite-c free or A7 trial.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: Can't Open Direct X Device - 11/18/09 13:55
Please don't make double posts.
Posted By: Yuvi001

Re: Can't Open Direct X Device - 11/19/09 04:32

Before initializing d3d variable or video screen very first, call wait for few frames.
Posted By: Jaeger

Re: Can't Open Direct X Device - 11/19/09 05:16

Originally Posted By: Quadraxas
WAREZ versions are buggy. and 7.21 is too old. get the latest LEGAL version, either lite-c free or A7 trial.

That's a bit... harsh... smirk lol...

I have no idea why people use cracked A7 versions though. You can actually do MORE with the free version than A7 Pro "Warez". The first time I ever saw A7 was the warez version (7.05?). A friend introduced it to me, and it sucked... badly... Then I discovered in the manual they were buggy betas that got loose (and illegal at that). No wonder. smirk Actually convinced me to buy it after that though, since I liked it so much (after trying a legit version).

But the *why* is the part I don't get. DirectX/SlimDX SDK: Free, OpenGL SDK: Free, OGRE: Free, XNA: Free, Axiom: Free, and of course, you can use A7 Free Version... for free. There are also plenty engine betas going on, which let you use it for free. Tons of open-source things too. laugh Then there's that old excuse: "I can't use the free version because I'm making an awesome game to sell!!!!11!". Lol... In that case, I'd say a couple hundred $ for A7 is nothing if you're that far along. laugh

I dunno... I guess people get snagged by the ads boasting "Making games has never been so easy!", and think they can click a button and make WoW II. laugh I've caught people (recently) using illegal versions of software I helped develop, but oh well. If they ever make money off of it, they'll get their balls busted for it. If not, can't force them to pay for something they aren't going to pay for anyway. Hmmph... Though I've NEVER had anyone crack something I was in charge of writing. laugh Sure, it could happen, but you'd better be a whiz with Intel Assembly Language and IL, and have a year's supply of cheetos! lol...

My advice to anyone using cracked A7 (or any 'warez' engine for that matter) is either get free version, or just work with a reputable (and FREE) API like DirectX or OpenGL. You'll be FAR happier! Trust me! (Plus, you won't be sued if you ever DO make a game! Lol!)
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