Give some score please..

Posted By: Kaizen_31

Give some score please.. - 02/23/09 15:49 can i put a score on my player whenever he killed an AI??because i have 2 diff AI!!

the first one is an mealy type means a hand to hand type of AI combat..and i wanted it to the score is to be 50 whenever my character killed that enemy..

the second on is an long rage type of AI and i wanted that AI the score will be 30 hmm...

how can i construct a code of my socre??
please help every one thanks in advance i appreciate every help that you will give..
Posted By: Jaxas

Re: Give some score please.. - 02/23/09 18:14

use panel and variable like score smile use online Lite-C tutorial to learn panels basic wink
Posted By: Kaizen_31

Re: Give some score please.. - 02/25/09 08:02

please help me construct a score for my game..
please help us tnx in advance.
Posted By: delinkx

Re: Give some score please.. - 02/25/09 08:11

use a panel and a datastructure to update the fields on the panels. read the tutorial basics for more details.
Posted By: Kaizen_31

Re: Give some score please.. - 02/25/09 09:23

i don't understand what does the manual says please help..
please give a sample code to help me construct a function for that
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Give some score please.. - 02/25/09 23:32


Here's an example of a panel that I use to debug my game.
It follows many variables.
PANEL* debug = {
	pos_x = 400;
	pos_y = 50;
	layer = 3;
	digits (0,0,"tour_de: %f ",*,1, _le_tour_de1);//
	digits (0,20,"rendu: %f ",*,1, rendu);//
	digits (0,35,"renduhaut: %f ", *,1,renduhaut);
	digits (0,45,"desc_bas: %f ", *,1,desc_bas);
	digits (0,65,"combien: %f ", *,1,compte_combien);
	digits (150,65,"_leswhiles: %f ", *,1,_leswhiles); //compt_bl
	digits (0,85,"qui: %f ", *,1,_Tpos_x); //qui
	digits (0,105,"_valeur1ou2: %f ", *,1,_valeur1ou2);
	flags =  OVERLAY  ;// |;// | SHOW 

Ottawa smile
Posted By: unknown_master

Re: Give some score please.. - 02/27/09 10:27

hahaha nice baja!!! wakokokokok!!!! kaya natin toh!!! hahaha
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