'API' undeclared identifiers

Posted By: SirCamaris

'API' undeclared identifiers - 08/20/08 03:56

I'm trying to access the "stdio.h" file but get an error message, 'API' undeclared identifiers. It specifically mentions line 212 of stdio.h. I included stdio.h by, #include <stdio.h>. I'm not sure how to access and use this header file. I'm also saving my script as a .c file.
Posted By: Volund

Re: 'API' undeclared identifiers - 08/21/08 22:26

Is it linked or added? Also inside stdio.h it calls for
#include <stdarg.h> ... check in stdio.h about line 77. Do you have any more info, you could be doing a lot of different things, some things that the engine may not even support. If your playing with win API dont forget to include windows.h
Posted By: SirCamaris

Re: 'API' undeclared identifiers - 08/25/08 01:50

I'm trying to run the following code but still receive error messages after including these two header files. I looked for stdarg.h in the include folder but couldn't find it.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

printf ("Howdy, neighbor! This is my first C program. \n");
return 0;
Thanks for your help.
Posted By: Volund

Re: 'API' undeclared identifiers - 08/25/08 04:48

So, you do not want API? I misunderstood. For your example I believe the only includes you need are

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

There are some programming tutorials starting in AUM 67 for A7 lite-c. I think once you start reading those you will undertsand right away smile
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