Bones and Meshes

Posted By: Ilidrake

Bones and Meshes - 06/15/08 06:23

Is it possible to attach a mesh, say an arm, to a skeleton during the game running and have it conform to the bones animations? Is this possible?
Posted By: Ilidrake

Re: Bones and Meshes - 06/16/08 03:18

Any ideas???

Re: Bones and Meshes - 06/16/08 03:30

i don't think this is possible as i think it would require you to create a bone for the mesh also. I don't know if gamestudio allows creating bones at run-time, i haven't explored that area yet.

If there isn't physically a bone there, then the arm cannot use bone animation.
Posted By: flits

Re: Bones and Meshes - 06/16/08 07:44

you could creeate fakebones yourself but its realy hard
i tried my self and there where a few problems

-the movment off bones is a slight differnt(because of the movement of the parent bones)
-you will need ent_clone because you will need vec_to_mesh
-is litle bit heavy
-use more memory
-more lines of script but after all no problem i converted everything to smal functions so createa a bone white parent was 5 lines
then you use it like normal bones
-no (med)editor

great things are
-you can use more vertex for every bone
-creating bones during rune time
-adding vertex during runtime

i never fineshed it but if you want i can give you my script
maby you finshe it
Posted By: Ilidrake

Re: Bones and Meshes - 06/16/08 12:56

I sent you a PM dude. Thanks. Can't wait to hear from you.
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