Use ent_blendpose to add a facial expression to a body animation

Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Use ent_blendpose to add a facial expression to a body animation - 06/12/08 15:56


I've got a single mdl which has bone animations only. There are some "body bones" which are just for moving arms legs etc, and then some other "face bones" which only are weighted to the face.

1. face_neutral, face_smile, face_blink cycles. These have no body animation, and just use face bones.

2. animation cycles run, walk, jump. This uses the body bones only, and has no face animation.

I want to be able to switch on the facial stuff while the character is also animating with the body bone stuff.. so, I can add run+face_smile, or run+face_blink, etc etc

I know I have to use ent_blendpose. Can anyone provide further help with how to do this?

Posted By: Quad

Re: Use ent_blendpose to add a facial expression to a body animation - 06/12/08 18:20

reset bones every frame and use ent_animate with 2 scenes using ANM_ADD??
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