my.skill1 = empty pointer?

Posted By: Ready

my.skill1 = empty pointer? - 01/25/08 13:36

ok, whats wrong with this?

action message_display
stuff here
if (my.SKILL1 == 1)
do stuff

skill1 of that entity is set in WED to 1 but every time I run this, I get an empty pointer error for my.skill1?!
Posted By: Ready

Re: my.skill1 = empty pointer? - 01/25/08 13:47

Stupid me ...
That action is setup so that it removes the entity when the player touches it (more lke, when its in 100 units range) and I had ent_remove (my); in the action BEFORE that if branch.
No wonder its an empty pointer, when that entity is already removed ^^

So yeah .. nevermind.
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