[paid]Modeler as always

Posted By: Liamissimo

[paid]Modeler as always - 02/21/11 17:27


I have an game idea so I need a game model (main character), an old man.

He should be tiny, around 1,50m or 1,60m in real world. Little legs and a big belly.

Fat like this: http://www.ecrannoir.fr/films/01/images/chihiro.jpg
Not so big of course.

The Belly maybe like this, but not so extreme: http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/1z8h5oco/Bierbauch.jpg

Then he should have a big beard, a round beard in white, like this:

He should have a hat in brown, a big hat, covering his whole upper head, like this: http://www.toys4me.de/DH/44446.jpg

About the eyes I'm not sure, maybe eyes like lines or normal ones, I made this picture of it: http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/3702/2donlineentwurf.png

In his right hand he should have a bar, brown thick wood, like this but thicker and in brown: http://www.otakusan.de/shop/images/did00211.jpg

It is planned to be a cartoon style game, so I don't need detailed textures.

Animations I need are walk cycle, idle cycle, hitting with the bar and casting a spell (up to you how it looks). The walk cycle should be a little bit funny as he the game is humorous and he is a little fat guy wink

I can pay through Paypal, I have no clue on what price is okay as I don't need a complex model or many animations. PM me for that.

Greetings, Liam
Posted By: anarcheril

Re: [paid]Modeler as always - 05/05/11 22:27

I'd be interested, can you send me an email at anarcheril@gmail.com
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