Experienced Team looking for Modeller

Posted By: sPlKe

Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 00:29

geez, alot of multi millionaires around here lately. everybody working on some sort of mmorpg or tactical whatever crapfest game.
how many of them have been completed already? zero? who would have guessed...

tell ya what:
i am not the nicest guy around here, and you know why. i am also not a man who promises completely stupid funds or whatever for your work, because we all know its not gonna happen.


I dont know bout you people, but i deem this to be one of the most important qualities for a dev team. that they actually finish their games...

so heres the deal:
me and lil' Rei over there are working on this adventure game for quite a while now. Amnesia Dark Descent beat us to the punch with their version, but that just encouraged us to do this since people love it.
We are not doing amnesia here though. its a different concept with different ideas and mechanics. its more point and click adventure. still, its gonna be good.

so we are looking for a modeller or two. to create the assets i need to create the levels. basically, we would need two guys. one that does the objects and one that does the creatures. or both for both, dunno.
thing is, we would need LOD and normal maps with specularity.
so as you see, its a truckload of work that we have here. but fear not, help is around!

i can help you with the textures and i can do basic stuff like floors and walls myself anyway. its the more complex stuff we would need. i'd set you up with some style aid so that we can all agree on one certain style.

as for the money, both me and rei are in it for the fun and the work. neither of us gets paid by anyone for this. we want to sell it but we cant promise that. i can only promise you that we finish this thing if everyone does what he should do. whatever happens next, nobody can tell.

i know this all doesnt sound too encouraging but its your decision. either continue doing whatever it is you do and enver finish a game, finish your own game or join us and get this game done before the world goes down later next year wink

its up to you...
Posted By: Det

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 00:49


Blattsalat is a very good Modeller. He can make a lot of Models for you ask him .

He is a Member of this Forum.
Posted By: Clemens

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 01:42

[edit] -urghs, wrond thread, sry-
...anyway, good luck wink
Posted By: Rondidon

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 18:19

(Otter), Dexsoft, Blattsalat.
Posted By: AdrenalinMod

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 18:58

My team can provide you with the necessary prerequisites.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 22:54

yeah ill get some dexsoft stuff but some things need to be custom made. and thats the point...
Posted By: SeaCancer

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/09/11 23:12

unfortunately, I am not a modeller!

I like such projects,,
good luck!
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/10/11 05:57

wish I had the money to do free projects right now, unfortunately im too low on funds to spend time on free ones. I would help though because this project looks cool.
Posted By: Rondidon

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/10/11 19:36

Machinary Frank has contacts to cheap slave modelers in China wink Maybe that`s the way you go. You should send hin an email or PM.
Posted By: Det

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/10/11 20:21

Blattsalat can make special Models you need for your Game .
Posted By: Sajeth

Re: Experienced Team looking for Modeller - 02/10/11 21:12

Originally Posted By: Rondidon
Machinary Frank has contacts to cheap slave modelers in China wink

Which does not mean that he is selling them cheap.
Better look around in some (russian) freelancer forums, you can get awesome work for very little money there. Even studios like ubisoft are doing it, hiring Russian modelers for very little money.
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