secret christmas project - sound / music

Posted By: HeelX

secret christmas project - sound / music - 11/24/07 22:30

The yet unannounced secret christmas projects needs some sounds and music and such quirky stuff. We are looking for people which can produce or provide us with custom sounds & music or are able to investigate the net. All things which you hand in (or find) should be filed under a Creative Commons license or be free with your permission (Credits are guaranteed). No Payment or financial participation because this is all for a charitable purpose. Further information on request. The project will be released within the next month... obviously

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live - let's be naughty and save Santa the trip and finish the project!

Posted By: Blink

Re: secret christmas project - sound / music - 11/24/07 23:44

if i can help, please let me know. did you like the song i sent you?
Posted By: HeelX

Re: secret christmas project - sound / music - 11/24/07 23:56

Hiphop doesn't fit to the game. If you have experience in christmas/holiday/snowy music, send it. If you are experienced in soundeffects, tell me.

Cheers, Christian
Posted By: Wade_Adams

Re: secret christmas project - sound / music - 11/26/07 02:09


The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live


EDIT: made me laugh so you bought a little work
Posted By: bupaje

Re: secret christmas project - sound / music - 11/27/07 16:40

I've mentioned this site before but bears repeating some Christmas jingles there.
Posted By: HeelX

Re: secret christmas project - sound / music - 11/27/07 17:16

I have already speaked with Kevin from and I will use some pieces of him. Though, I need special soundeffects and maybe one or two custom themes. Most christmas music is.. well.. too calm. And reindeers are furious.. sometimes. ..Especially that one with the red nose..
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