Looking 4 A team

Posted By: Infinityace

Looking 4 A team - 01/02/07 00:05

HELLO EVERYONE. I am in the process of trying to recruit a good team(can b a beggining team). Well i wanted 2 create a massively online game.It would b sumtin like The matrix Online and Devil may cry as far as the moves and stuff(not using the same moves).I am workin on the storyline and everything. I have no screenshots because i havent started yet, unfortunantely. There will be a very big variety of weapons to choose from.There will aslo be alot of combat moves and things.There will be enemies also.You will be able to create your own character with a variety of clothes,glasses,hair,facial hair,height,etc. You will be equipped with a cell phone,inventory,etc. But if u are interested in helping jus contact me at yung_c29@yahoo.com or my msn messenger is Nightace2007@hotmail.com thannnxxxxxx
Posted By: broozar

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/02/07 00:26

hahahahhaaa i like jokes before bed time. goodnight mate.

Posted By: Infinityace

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/02/07 01:43

ha ha ha ha ha ha ur so funny man..but seriously...wat joke?
Posted By: raymich

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/02/07 02:05

DaBro0zar , be nice to newcomers...
Posted By: ambe

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/02/07 02:30

umm... didn't you post this once before ?
Posted By: broozar

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/02/07 09:01

i will quote wikipedia for you... maybe this should become a sticy, REALLY.


Developing MMORPGs

In general, the cost of developing a commercial MMORPG title exceeds ten million dollars.[19] These projects require multiple disciplines within software engineering, art design and network instrastructure:

* The front-end (or client) component of a commercial, modern MMORPG features 3D graphics. As with other modern 3D games, the front-end requires expertise with implementing 3D engines, real-time shader techniques and physics simulation. The actual visual content (areas, creatures, characters, weapons, spaceships and so forth) is developed by artists who typically begin with two-dimensional concept art, and later convert these concepts into animated 3D scenes, models and texture maps.[20]

* Developing an MMOG server requires expertise with client/server architecture, network protocols, security and relational database design. MMORPGs include reliable systems for a number of vital tasks. The server must be able to handle and verify a large number of connections; prevent cheating; and apply changes (bug fixes or added content) to the game. A system for recording the game's data at regular intervals, without stopping the game, is also important.[21]

* Maintenance requires sufficient servers and bandwidth, and a dedicated support staff. Insufficient resources for maintenance lead to lag and frustration for the players, and can severely damage the reputation of a game, especially at launch. Care must also be taken to ensure that player population remains at an acceptable level by adding or removing servers ("shards"). Peer-to-peer MMORPGs could theoretically work cheaply and efficiently in regulating server load, but practical issues such as asymmetrical network bandwidth and CPU-hungry rendering engines make them a difficult proposition. Additionally, they would probably become vulnerable to other problems including new possibilities for cheating. The hosted infrastructure for a commercial-grade MMORPG requires the deployment of hundreds (or even thousands) of servers. Developing an affordable infrastructure for an online game requires developers to scale to large numbers of players with less hardware and network investment.[22]

* In addition, the team will need to have expertise with the fundamentals of game design: world-building, lore and game mechanics,[23] as well as what makes games fun.[24]

Posted By: adoado

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/03/07 10:12

Yes its hard but still if you want to give it a shot then i guess...just keep in mind it takes huge billion dollar companies a year to make things like this....
Posted By: bstudio

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/03/07 10:16

Yeah but you will only hurt yourself in the process. Better start with an FPS first
Posted By: 3Dski

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/14/07 22:42

I agree. No one is trying to mean. You're a newbie... I'm a newbie. Learn to walk before you run. Learn the tools with a smaller goal. Once you're familiar with how it all works and fits together, then you can even expand on the work you've done. Create an FPS with some of the simpler features you'd like to see in the MMORPG. Then, add some of the more complicated features. It's great to have a final goal, but as a beginner the objective should be a single level, with the basics that it requires.
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/14/07 23:23

no noob should do that, the most pros don't do that, cause it is too hard.
But try to do it as far as you can and think about that idea then again.
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: Looking 4 A team - 01/15/07 17:00


Sorry if the others have made you angry or something... The thing is that there are pretty many wannabees who think that they can actually do this kind of stuff right from the beginning and all of us veterans here are more or less tired of that. But if you are serious about this, then I suggest you get some general experience on game development and then move on to server coding after you even think about creating content for your mmorpg's.
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