[Blender]Need help with exporting

Posted By: rvL_eXile

[Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/25/12 21:05

Hey guys,
today i've finished a new model and wanted to contribute this for free to the community.
There two pieces of an Bridge Model. Normal and a broken one.
I've exportet the first one with Blender 2.57 to FBX and importet this File in MED (A8).
All works fine, the result is okay...
But after exporting the second Piece to FBX and importing it into MED there no Skins which are gonna be importet to MED.
Can't find any reason for this, because i've used the first model as reference (duplicated an editet).

heres the .blend File, maybe someone else could find the reason why the exporter didnt export the Skins for the second piece.

https://rapidshare.com/files/243441595/bridge.rar (~10MB , SkinImages included)
Regards Sebastian
Posted By: rojart

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/26/12 17:19

seems to work by me, but I missed two texture files.
I had just unpacked the blend textures to the same fbx folder.

btw. you can optimize by reducing some tris.
Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/26/12 19:36

thx rojart for testing... which Blender version do you used?
I've exportet the .fbx Files in the same directory as my Texture files. So this can't be the mistake.

Regards Sebastian
Posted By: rojart

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/26/12 21:23

Blender 2.62.0 r44136 and imported by Model from FBX(2010) with MED 6.922, here the bridge.fbx file that works by me.

Posted By: Rondidon

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/26/12 21:43

7 textures for a little bridge model? Isn`t that a bit too much? laugh I think three or four textures could do the job here. Problem is that the model renders slow because of many drawcalls.

But the mesh is really nice. I especially like the shading. Great work laugh .
Posted By: JoGa

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/26/12 21:51

sry, I tried it, but I don't know, how to solve it.
I had to export the pictures in blender (image->save as image [F3]) and load them manually in MED. Then it looks fine. I don't know a other solution, but I am not well in blender.
Posted By: rojart

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/27/12 18:14

You don't need to load the textures manually into MED when the file is exported as fbx format, works autmoatically, but the textures should be saved to the same folder like fbx file.
Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 08:11

Sorry for the minor hijack, but Ive got 'exporting to MED' issues too.

Can someone post any link to a (preferably video) tutorial of how to setup
and assign the materials and textures in Blendr 2.61?
I have sucessfuly done so within blendr, but its failing on the import in MED.

If I export as 3DS, the mapping comes through but no texture assigned.
If I export as FBX, not even a mapping comes across...

Thanks guys...

Im just after links for now, but if you feel this blender-noob may need more
help than simple links, flame me gently and I'll start my own thread... laugh
Posted By: Rondidon

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 08:41

It doesn`t work that way.
Here`s the way to go:

- Download and install Blender 2.49
- Download and install the Gamestudio Exporter for Blender 2.49 (http://www.opserver.de/wiki/index.php/Blender)

- Save your Level / your model in Blender 2.61
- Open you level / your model in Blender 2,49
- File -> Export -> File as .$$m


You`re done and have exported MDL files ready for Gamestudio.

It`s not optimal that way and animation doesn`t work because they get lost while importing a Blender 2.61 model into Blender 2.49. But it`s the only way that works.

Somebody should convert the 2.49 exporter to Blender 2.61 with support of animations and Bones. Ventilator doesn`t want to do the job and I`ve got no time at the moment (plus I`m not experienced at all with Python). If there`s somebody who thinks that he`s able to do the job: You could be paid by crowd funding. Everybody pays 20-30$ so that you could earn some Dollars fo the job.
Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 09:49

OK, but no thanks. I dont want to add 2.49 to my work-flow.

Thays more hassle than its worth. I just keep on fighting with 2.61.
I didnt realize you were discussing around a particular plugin.

Thanks all the same...
Posted By: Rondidon

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 10:09

Nobody`s discussing around a particular plugin, but FBX and OBJ export in Blender 2.61. Because the plugin works wink

Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 12:03

OK, looks like there is more to be learned on this issue, so I started my OWN thread HERE...

Sorry about the hijack everyone, especially rvl_exile! Im gone...

Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 17:58

Well ventilators Exporter is great but if you want to use this your not able to export a second UV set, this is the reason why i'm using FBX.

Regards Sebastian
Posted By: ventilator

Re: [Blender]Need help with exporting - 02/28/12 21:15

my exporter does support a second uv-set. the only thing it never supported was bone weights. only rigid skinning. it would be easy to add but i never needed them.
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