Gile[s] to WMB converter

Posted By: DavidOC

Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/12/09 23:20

This is the firts release of my converter.

This tool is mainly oriented to users of Lite-C (free and full).


Convert Terrain
Convert Meshes
Convert Lights (only omni directional lights are exported)
Create entities for blocks with transparency
Convert lightmaps (also for terrains)

What's next:

Rotation: It's not correctly applied.
Entities: Add pivots with custom properties to define an entity (ACTION and MDL file)
Terrains: Match the look in gile[s] and Gamestudio
Convert sky texture: I found that you can create an entity with the SKY | CUBE | SHOW flags, so I'll convert the texture (in gile[s] the order is different).
Create a source file with materials to match with gile[s].
Add Help.
Create a complete tutorial.
Create an entity placer in Lite-C.

Possible but not considered right now:

Add other exporters and allow more options in the converter (add terrain from BMP, add entites)

Once completed I'll realease it as shareware, you will be able to use it without time restriction, but textures will have a chess pattern, registering it will remove the pattern and allow to use in commercial projects.

Known issues

I have a problem with terrain lightmaps, I'm following the WMB format but canīt see the lightmap applied to the terrain (I'm using Litec-C free), the trial version expired and canīt check if it only happens in this version (or I'm doing something wrong)

Textures show a strange artifact at close view, it dissapears at far view (have not tested on other machines)

Here is the program: Setup
Here is a sample output and a gile[s] project: Sample

Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Posted By: HeelX

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/12/09 23:48

Hello DavidOC,

these are great news! I really love Gile[s] and it was always a bit messy to get the stuff ported to Gamestudio. Is this a converter for Gile[s] v1 levels or do you support v2 maps, too? I am not into v2, though, I saw videos and images of the editor and sample maps.

Posted By: DavidOC

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/14/09 16:17

Heelx, this is for v2 maps, in fact you need to export it to GLX format (mark the Automatically export lightmaps options).

Posted By: Timothy

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/14/09 17:08

Thanks for the converter!
But I have some problems with it.
There's always an error:
"Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object"

How can I solve this?

The installer didn't work too, but I could unpack the "Giles2WMB.CAB" with Winrar.
Posted By: DavidOC

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/15/09 16:27

I'll try a better installer for the next release, meanwhile you need to register WMBManager.dll (regsvr32 %PATH%\WMBManager.dll) and make sure these files are in the same folder:


Posted By: Timothy

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/15/09 17:04

I did everything you told me and there are no errors anymore.
But if I open the *.wmb file, it is a "Bad file format". frown
Posted By: DavidOC

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/15/09 19:49

You tried the map I posted or one you made? What picture format you use (BMP, JPG, etc)?

Anything you can tell me about the scene may help, also the converter log maybe useful.


I think your using my map, sorry it's missing some textures, I'm uploading a complete one, extract it to C:\Temp\TESTEXPORT.

Ready, you can download it.

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 06/24/09 02:35

Hey davidoc im relelatively new to gamestudio and im using the older A6 version for some reason i cant get WED to compile my wmp files to wmb which i can test run will your converter work for this?If not do you have any advice on what I should do? Thanks in advance
Posted By: DavidOC

Re: Gile[s] to WMB converter - 07/06/09 15:40

Sorry, it doesn't compile WMP files, it converts from giles files only. Giles is a global iluminator, it generates lightmaps for your geometry.
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