DXStudio v2.2

Posted By: nuclear_winter

DXStudio v2.2 - 10/25/07 14:44


A major update to the DX Studio engine is now available. Here's what's been added in version 2.2...
Emissive maps are now supported - you can set them in the material editor.
Gradient based reflection - the environment reflection now works with normal maps and supports a new gradient property for a polished metal effect. Also in the material editor.
Improved culling - you should see a speed improvement in more complex scenes.
New visibility settings - you can now select which objects are visible from an area. Just define an area with an effectcube, then click on the object's Advanced visibility button.
Animated textures and bitmaps - a new dxsprite base format can now be created (right click in the resources window for new or just add an animated GIF anywhere). These can be used in 2D or 3D in most places that static bitmaps were used, including texture maps, specular/emissive maps (not normal maps yet).
Collision in 2D - just check the collision detection enable in the editor and you'll get onCollision events for 2d bitmaps.
Vertex Morphing (Standard/Pro feature) - see the Wiki entry for more.
Multiple Media Channels - you can now stream more than one media channel (video/mp3) at a time into a scene.
Cached text rendering - renders over 100 times faster for a typical page of text.
FBX Skin support - Maya and Lightwave users should now be able to get their skinned animated meshes straight into DX Studio.
Dynamic waypoint linking - you can now link/unlink waypoints from script. Also the system will only traverse waypoints set to 'visible', so you can control which ones to use.
Smooth merged animations - animationMergeTransitionPeriod allows smooth merges by applying the merged animation in/out over this time.
Lighting Improvements - normal and bump maps are now auto-mipmapped which fixes aliasing when further away.
Runtime texture editing - you can now get/set texture pixels RGBA values using texture.getPixel() texture.setPixel() methods.
system.xml.createDocument() - you can now pass a XML string as a parameter for createDocument to set up an initial XML doc.
keys.any - you can now test keys.any for any key down.
Delayed network connection is now possible. You can also change the network IDs from script, and a new system.generateGUID() function can build guids at runtime.
Undo/Redo now remembers selection and hierarchy expansion.
scene.environmentLoad function - will load a dxenvironment file from any location at runtime.
object.size property - returns the pixel size of 2d objects (including text) or world units size of 3d objects.
subgroup.pivotPos property - lets you control the pivot point of a hierarchy of subgroups at runtime.
system.uploadFile - allows uploading of files to a server.
system.ui.mouse.trap - traps the mouse inside the display window while it has focus.
system.folders.documentExecutable - if running as an EXE this returns the launch directory.
object.selectionMask and scene.selectionMask - allow custom selection groups.

You can download the latest version 2.2 now from the following link http://www.dxstudio.com/download.aspx

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