Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque?

Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 11:29

Hi everyone,

Eek, another 3dgs vs torque thread, but this time in the context of A7's new features which seem to go beyond Torque's current feature set.

I have been looking at Torque very seriously for moving my project to take advantage of their Xbox 360 port for a possible commercial production, and seriously, ick, they just have BSP scene management and questionable polycollision.

Could 3DGS with ABT be a torque killer? with the new scene management, and other new features, I cannot find much that Torque can do better than A7, other than its excellent terrain engine (which I do not need).

In fact, A7 really seems the superior option to me, as someone with no interest in creating an RTS as torque is originally oriented towards.

For me, arbitrary level geometry and ABT scene management seem really superior features. I know there are fans here who religiously take one side or another. Trying to be objective here. Can anyone take my observation further, or point out some other reasons why one is better than the other?

Am I seriously missing something or does A7 seem the better choice?

I am very interested in your objective, lucid opinions!
Posted By: George

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 11:48

I'm a long time Acknex user, so I might not be that objective. From what I have seen, A4 was a huge step ahead when compared with A3. From what I know, A7 will be another huge step ahead when compared with A6.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 11:49

For one, torque's networking engine is way better than dplay used by 3dgs.
Posted By: ulf

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 12:26

yep if you want to produce a network-shooter/rts, torque is way better and will probably ever be in that field.

everything else is just a matter of how much you like the tools in my opinion. features of a7 are probably a bit better then those of standard torque.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 12:29

It is still too early to make such conclusions.

From the view of an artist we can only compete with modern games with modern shaders and lighting. A good working soft-shadow is one very important point.

Here you can find a fantastic article about that topic:

The new render system with ABT and new arbitrary BSP, new light-management really sounds promising. But it is still to0 early to make up an objective mind. First it should be finished and tested with shaders, lights and realistic shadows.

I would like to create a few demos when time comes and feature-set is up-to-date.

By the way: The new shader concept of Torque is very advanced. And don't forget that the Torque-community gets some kind of WED very soon, called "Constructor":

Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 12:55

What ABT is exactly and why is it a superior scene management system ?
Any other engines have already implemented ABT as scene management system ?
If so, which one

Just one important detail

3DGS still accept skinned models with one vertex per bone only
This is really an oudated feature
I do hope that A7 will fix this problem
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 16:30

One Torque feature that GS doesn't have (dunno will this be in A7, atleast haven't heard that it would) is crossplatform support. Cross platform products are becoming more common, especially in open source industry, and I think that commercial products should break into the non-windows markets too. Actually garagegames sells more games to mac than to windows and linux together. (atleast they did some time ago, dunno the current statistics...)
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 16:44

Indie-games sell much better at the Mac-platform because there is not so much competition. But that might change very fast since Torque and Unity are great game engines for the Mac.

The windows platform is simply overcrowded with high-quality budget games. So competition is simply too hard.
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 16:58

It is what I claimed some time ago
Mac is as important as Windows platform for Indie programmers
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 03/31/07 19:15

And since Acknex is popular among indies, it would be nice to have it ported to Mac (and possibly Linux) also.
Posted By: William

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/01/07 12:50

Doesn't Mac run Intel and Windows? If that's so, then what would the point of porting it to Mac be... the users will eventually use Windows through time anyways. If there going to spend time on a port, it would probably make the most sense for the 360 because it is directX native, supports indie development, supports larger games, ties in with Games for Windows, and it's a console.
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/01/07 13:38


the users will eventually use Windows through time anyways.

On what basis are you saying that?
Posted By: Efrint

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/01/07 15:58


the users will eventually use Windows through time anyways.

I just have to comment . As a Mac-User I can say: I will NEVER install windows on my mac. A mac-port (and with that a OpenGL port) of 3D GameStudio would be really great.

Many mac-user are Apple-Fanatics, only a small amount will directly install windows. Virtualizations (e.g. VMWare, or Parallels) have quite limited 3D support (directX 8.1 ).
Posted By: William

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/01/07 23:46


On what basis are you saying that?

On a gamers basis. The selection is very limited and you can't upgrade your hardware. Thankfully though, Apple is becoming a bit smarter as of late, and are using Intel, and have a program so users can use Windows as well, this will help in the games case and in many other cases as well(Windows has many programs exclusive to it). Power to the Mac users, you can now enjoy the wonderful world of Windows Gaming!
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/02/07 00:30

william most users with a mac, got a mac because they wanted mac, not windows, so why would the put a piece of crap windows product on it?
Posted By: William

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/02/07 06:29

As I've already outlined above, to play games such as Crysis(and countless other DirectX games).
Posted By: ulf

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/02/07 06:57

mac is for artists only who want to show, that they use a stylish alternative computer
Posted By: Ambassador

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/02/07 07:31


As I've already outlined above, to play games such as Crysis(and countless other DirectX games).

Neither of us can prove that mac users play Crysis and countless other DirectX games, but garagegames has proved that mac users indeed play indie games. And as said, I find it very unlikely that a mac user would install windows on his/her mac. Those who want to use windows usually buy a pc you know .
Posted By: AndyUK

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/03/07 00:09

I have a MacBook Pro which also boots WinXP so I have the best of both worlds when on the road.
Posted By: Nowherebrain

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/03/07 03:52


mac is for artists only who want to show, that they use a stylish alternative computer

I just don't see a use for mac in the personal computer market. I'm really not too bias. I started on windows, I hate windows but, it is much more widley supported than mac in software, and it's cheaper to buy a pc than a general(not boutique here).
Posted By: MaxF

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/04/07 22:23

Wow - the shader Constructor looks great

This is what 3DGS needs, I know its coming but I bet it does not look like that.


By the way: The new shader concept of Torque is very advanced. And don't forget that the Torque-community gets some kind of WED very soon, called "Constructor":

Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/05/07 02:13


Indie-games sell much better at the Mac-platform because there is not so much competition. But that might change very fast since Torque and Unity are great game engines for the Mac.

The windows platform is simply overcrowded with high-quality budget games. So competition is simply too hard.

Those high-quality budget games are only competition because they are in the same price range, some people aren't quite looking for Doom3 or other AAA games 2 years after they have been released ... ( besides just imagine the amount of potential customers that already háve Doom3. Some 'budget titles' will never even be real competition, eventhough AAA. Devide what's left of the AAA's through genre, age (I liked Dune II, but I will never buy it again, sorry ), graphical style(realistic/cartoonish some people really can't stand overly happy graphics) and what's left will be 'our' potential customer base ... competition amongst indie games will be there for sure though. But as I've tried to explain, I don't think we're really competing against Doom3 or other AAA budgettitles, the 'hardcore gamer' doesn't quite play (mostly 'casual') indie games, and if he or she does, it's only better for us, not worse ....)

I'd like to see some numbers on indie-games for the mac before I would conclude they sell 'better' than the non-budget titles for Mac. There aren't thát many games for the Mac compared to Windows and yes there are more indie-games for Mac perhaps, but it's still questionable if they 'sell better' relative to the AAA Mac titles...

I think I've read something about it in Gamasutra and they weren't very optimistic about the Mac platform as 'gamers' platform and the size of a potential customers base (for any developer that is),

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/05/07 07:12

Phemox: Your ideas are welcome but please base them on facts in the future!

You can find more facts in articles at Gamedev, Gamasutra, Gameproducer and other portals and even in printed magazines like Gamestar/DEV.

In fact some real ugly indie projects (e.g. a Golf simulation) sold on Mac very well (more than 20 thousand per project) while some very good projects sold the same or less on PC. I don't remember all numbers from my head.

Here is the story of this ugly golf game that sold very well on Mac:

Look at the screen shots and you know that you never will sell it at windows:

Please take my advice and do not post so fast your personal thoughts until they are founded on some knowledge or at least experience. I would appreciate it.
Your guessing about non-existing Doom3-budget-customers are a fine story but do not help us to successfully launch products very much.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/05/07 08:00

And here is another story just to show you the difference between Windows and Mac market:

60 thousand Windows downloads against 25 thousand from Mac and 15 thousand from Linux.

There are mainly Windows users but at the end more Mac users bought this game (680 from mac and 460 from Windows).

The conversion rate (how many downloads convert into a sale) is 2.8% (Mac) against 0.8% (PC) and against 1.1% (Linux).
Mac has 350 percent compared to the conversion rate at PC.
Even Linux has a better conversion rate (1.1%).
Why is that the case?
Competition - as I said - I hope you understand now

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/05/07 14:34

Frank, I wouldn't be so harsh on Phemox. After all, without a full market analysis what you present is anecdotal evidence at best and not full or relevant "facts".

The relevents fact to this areguement as I see it is how many indie games are MADE for the Mac vs. how many games MAKE IT on the Mac. Are the two games you present the rule or the exception? For those two games, are there 10, 100, 1000 other indie games that didn't make it? What is the total indie market for Macs? What is the revenue for the indie market?

So, IMO, it's not enough to say that a few indie games made it on the Mac as a compelling reason to port over. It's a more complicated matter of understanding your audience and the market and the type of game you are making.

Ultimitely, we are all expressing our opinions here... as in every A vs. B thread (A7 vs. Torque, Mac vs. Window, Taste Great vs. Less Filling).

(PS: Great topic to "port" over to the buisness forum!)
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Does A7+ABT make A7 superior to Torque? - 04/05/07 15:09

Yes. You are absolutely right fastlane.
Thanks for this very well thought post.

The "facts" I mentioned are not the absolute truth. I try to base my opinion on knowledge and I will change my mind as fast as I get a good reason to do so.

Unfortunately I do not know the total indie market for Mac / PC or Linux. I really would like to know more about this.
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