Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready

Posted By: Orange Brat

Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/25/07 11:33


Release Candidate 1 was recently released, and the final might show in February. I like this package much more than GIMP, and I've watched it mature and improve by leaps and bounds for over a year. It has been featured in my Starving Developer's Quickstart Guide for sometime, and I recently elevated it on the list above The GIMP because of all of the improvements and for what is to come (based off the old Roadmap link).

It still lacks a few things, and some essential and/or handy features are in this new update. Anyway, I thought I'd do a little bit of spreading the word. It's free and requires .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0 and Windows XP (SP2 or later), Vista, or Server 2003 (SP1 or later). It also supports and/or takes advantage of 64-bit and dual core processors if you have them.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/25/07 11:48

Above GIMP? That is a joke. This is only a small share of functionality of TheGIMP. I created a SCI-FI Texture pack with height and normal maps and painted all of it in GIMP. I never could do all that in Paint.NET.

What could be the advantage of this? Maybe they aim toward natural paining? But then Corel's painter or DogwaffleProjects tools are still better with more natural medias.

At the end Paint.NET is just a better PaintBrush and never becomes a Photoshop, GIMP, Painter or PaintShop. At least not in the next time.

But it is a nice tool for beginnner, clear interface and nice GUI.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/25/07 11:51

It's called an opinion, and I think it is superior to that mess. It features most of the common tools you'd need for more common things, however I will admit it doesn't have the everything and the kitchen sink feature list of GIMP or something like Photoshop. Still it's free, feature-rich, getting better, and much easier to work with than the messy GIMP. To each his own.

Also, it's aimed at anyone interested in photo editing or drawing, etc. It's not a natural painting specific application like Dogwaffle (which is also a great program I recommend esp. for that natural aspect).
Posted By: gri

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/25/07 12:43


Try to flip a Selection (vert/horz.) and you stand already on the border of this tool.
(I know there is a plugin for that!)

I use as fast imageviewer and for quick changes.

Gimp is mighty and I use it in most cases.
But the best for Textureworks is DeepPaint2D (free but a little outdated).
I wish that gimp had such brushes like DP2D.

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/25/07 15:59

Selection flipping has been in the program for many months. It works as expected and requires no extra plugin. The border expanded.
Posted By: gri

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 08:56

hi orange,


Selection flipping has been in the program for many months. It works as expected and requires no extra plugin...

Wow! So please tell me how.

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 09:51

See image:

Posted By: gri

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 10:54!

this flips the entire image!

I make a selection with the rectangle/lasso tool and want to flip this selection. This is what I mean.

So tell me again.

Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 22:21

I haven't looked at Paint.NET yet, but I would guess you could flip your selection by the following steps (if it is not automated yet):

- Create your selection
- Create a new layer
- Fill the layer with "paint"
- De-select and flip the layer (so the paint is facing the opposite way)
- Select the flipped paint
- Delete the layer

It sounds complex, but only takes a few moments.
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 23:22

I'm not sure what is meant by "flipping" the selection, but I did the following:

1. Make my selection
2. Copy the selection
3. Create a new layer
4. Paste my copied selection into the new layer
5. Layers >> Flip >> Horizontal/Vertical

Selection has now been "flipped". Took all of 3 seconds. And that's the first time I've ever opened the software.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 23:52

Thanks god im using Good ol Photoshop
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/26/07 23:59

Photoshop CS3 is THE solution. But, not everyone can afford it lol
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 02:58

lol @ laethyn, whats wrong with having say.. two tools in your tool box? Oh ya harddrive space.. i mean omg 2 painting programs are gonna take up the remaining 250gbs on my hrddrv... oh wait.. no they wont
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 03:16

lol - PrenceOfDarkness, I love your sense of humor. Reminds me of South Park.
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 05:05

Nothing wrong with it. But why have two tools when you can use one?
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 10:18

No. You are all wrong. GIMP is better

Menu structure is smaller / leaner. There are more file formats and more filters available. PS even cannot save decent BMP or TGA without plug-ins.

And the amount of windows can be reduced in GIMP. You just have to connect the windows with each other and you can work with one tool window and one image window.

PS is for the rich and for the warez people
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 11:26

PS can save BMP and TGA by Standart o_O
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 17:56

My Lightwave cannot read Photoshop files. Even JPG files are wrong. TGA's have wrong colour palette. Don't know why. I have to open them in Paintbrush, save again and then it works. Gimp is working all the time. Much better workflow
Posted By: broozar

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 18:21

there are progressive and non-progressive encoded JPGs with a variable loss factor. TGAs can be either 24 or 32 bit in a compressed an non-compressed format. If your TGAs look wrong, don't use compressed ones, i haven't seen any 3d app that can handle compressed TGAs.

PS: PSP is the best
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 19:21

I'm waiting for the 'final' über version of this, earlier I'm not downloading it, since I have PSP-X and GIMP, that can do all that, and more.
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 20:21


PS is for the rich and for the warez people

And for people that work for Adobe ... ahem ...

Anyways, with the "Create PSD Network" feature in Maya, it's a lifesaver for texturing my 3dmodels. Just works fantastically!
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 22:17


PS: PSP is the best

No. Not true at all! It is not PS neither PSP it is you! You are the best

The artist makes the art.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/27/07 23:03

My dad can beat up your dad.
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 02:29


My Lightwave cannot read Photoshop files. Even JPG files are wrong. TGA's have wrong colour palette.

Bah. What a bunch of ... well ...

In any case, I use Photoshop. The PSD files it saves out can be read easily by any application I have (including 3D Studio MAX). Did you ever consider that perhaps it is a Lightwave problem and not a Photoshop problem? After all, PSD IS the proprietary Photoshop file format.

JPGs also save perfectly fine. The only problem with Photoshop JPGs is that they are bloated and have to be "trimmed down" using software like Fireworks. But other than that they are JPGs that work as they are supposed to.

TGAs also function as they should. I am not sure what you are talking about with a color palette for TGA files because, by their nature, TGA files are 24 bit or 32 bit. 24 bit and 32 bit files do not have a palette so to speak.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 02:40


My dad can beat up your dad.


Oh god.....

thank you, I needed a good 'ol laugh

But since were on the topic, I use GIMP. However, GIMP is lacking several features that others like PS have. Plus it's free.... and I like free.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 14:11


I am not sure what you are talking about with a color palette for TGA files because, by their nature, TGA files are 24 bit or 32 bit. 24 bit and 32 bit files do not have a palette so to speak.

It is very simple: When I save a file in PS and open it in Lightwave or in GIMP (so it is not a Lightwave only problem ) then the colors changed. Blue changes slightly toward red. Maybe I had some false adjustments since I tested it only on another system because I do not have a licence of this very expensive software.

So it is useless to discuss it at the end. I will not buy this software for 2000 $ when I can use GIMP for free. And I am NOT a warez user. I will not use it in an illegal way.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 17:24


Nothing wrong with it. But why have two tools when you can use one?

I use Corel Painter IX.5 combined with Photoshop 5. Plenty of reasons to have both installed too, since there are specific things the other application can't do.

If people can't afford this software, then go with TheGimp. It's good and plenty of tutorials available on the net too. If anyone has a small budget, then buy Painter IX.5 and use TheGimp for the PS related things. If you want access to all nice features, buy both Photoshop and Painter IX.5 and you'll be more than set to go. (btw. an old PS version will do ... it's not that CS3 is really amazingly much improved over PS7 or 8 ... or even PS5)


So it is useless to discuss it at the end. I will not buy this software for 2000 $ when I can use GIMP for free.

Well, you can buy a Photoshop CS2 legally for 800€ already, any version below PS7 will come quite cheap actually if you look at the right places (and yes all legal too).


When I save a file in PS and open it in Lightwave or in GIMP (so it is not a Lightwave only problem ) then the colors changed.

That's because TheGimp uses a CYMK color palette by default, in Photoshop you can choose which one to use but default is RGB-colors. It has little to do with the psd nor tga format.

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 18:03

Thanks Phemox. So I was right it was a problem with the color palette. Good to know.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 18:19

Sorry for being pendantic, but as stated, tga doesn't have a palette..

The reason for the problem is that the images saved with photoshop are in the RGB color space, while (apparently, according to Phemox) GIMP natively uses CMYK. Converting from one color space to another is done with a formula. I believe that converting from RGB to CMYK never results in a perfect match, but it might also just be a problem of the GIMP.

Whatever be the case, this is a problem of the GIMP, since all mainstream file formats store RGB, and so does TGA (RGBA actually). Engines (including Gamestudio) work with RGB, the output of pixel shaders is RGB, etc..

Here is an interesting link: Color spaces
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 18:30

If the colors of your images are changing when you open them in OTHER applications, don't blame photoshop. Set your color management in the other applications correctly.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 18:49

As I already said. I will not change anything. GIMP works perfectly with all my applications (Gamestudio, Lightwave, Bodypaint, ZBrush). My test files of Photoshop did not.

Besides that PS is expensive. Even the price suggested by Phemox (800 $) is not a good price. Most users in this forum do not have that money. If they had they would haver better GS editions and could finish games faster while buying quality artworks.

So there is no need to discuss it and to defend PS
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 18:58

gimp doesn't even support cmyk (which is only needed for print) properly so i doubt it's the default.

some versions of photoshop had bugs in the export plugins. for example photoshop7 had a buggy tga plugin. at the adobe website it was possible to download a fix.

i also find photoshop too expensive. especially in europe where it did cost more than 1200€ last time i checked. the older oem versions you can find on ebay are a bit dubious.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 19:10

I hope my post didn't come across as an attack, because you seem very defensive. I also hope you're not insinuating that I am a warez user..

I tried GIMP quite some time ago and don't remember all the details, so my post was based on the assumption that Phemox was right about CMYK being the default. Anyway, I've never had any problems whatsoever with ps.

As to (because that's what we where talking about), I looked at it some time ago, and thought it had a pretty good interface (better than GIMP (<-- that's just my opinion, I'm not trying to "convert" you!), but lacked quite some important features. It has probably improved, but I'm not going to change tools anymore.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 19:17

actually i quite dislike the guis of all of them. photoshop, gimp,,... i would prefer to have photoshop's functionality in a modo/maya/blender-like gui. the guis of most 3d applications somehow seem to be much more streamlined for hardcore users.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 19:22

"Hardcore" users (I don't consider myself one), usualy don't need a GUI.

If you've ever seen a professional at work, you'll notice he's just hacking away at the keyboard, while staring at the screen and drawing on his tablet.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 19:22

Hey, Excessus. I don't think that you attacked me. I admire your great shader tutorial. I appreciate your comments.

And there is no need to convert me. I made the texture packs behind the sci-fi texture offer from Dexsoft. Here comes a picture that is made with the help of it. Soon you will see a complete game made with those textures.

They are all hand painted (and improved with a few filters) in GIMP:

I tried something like that in PS and it took me much more time and it even lacked some tools that I needed. So I am the last one who is willing to change.

Besides that the interface discussion about GIMP is old and often misleading since you can change the interface very easily with dragging tools from one window into another. You can hide and show them. You can make it very similar to every GUI that you need. Yes, the default installation GUI is a bit messy but that can be changed.

The only weakness with GIMP is natural painting and I recommend Corel Painter or ProjectDogwaffle for that. Both are less expensive compared with PS and better natural painting tools
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/28/07 20:41

First of all, GIMP is a great piece of software and, as has been pointed out, you can't beat the price.

However, there are a few things being said that are incorrect and should be sorted out.


I will not buy this software for 2000 $

Photoshop CS2 does not cost $2000. Its $649 for the full version (before any discounts) and $169 for the upgrade. And that is if you buy directly from Adobe instead of going to an authorized reseller. I am not trying to convince you to purchase Photoshop, but I certainly don't want you spreading mis-information by jacking up the price by 3 times the amount either.


Thanks Phemox. So I was right it was a problem with the color palette. Good to know.

No. It is NOT a palette problem at all. TGA does not have a palette at all. But there are vast differences between CYMK and RBG. If you bring in an RGB image (no matter what file format: TGA, BMP, etc) to a CYMK environment then there will be color shifting as the software tries to translate each color from RGB values to CYMK values. The same is true for bringing a CYMK image into an RGB environment.

In any case, if you need to work in CYMK values within Photoshop this can easily be done. Images saved as CYMK (instead of RGB) will open properly in other applications with a CYMK environment enabled.


some versions of photoshop had bugs in the export plugins. some versions of photoshop had bugs in the export plugins. for example photoshop7 had a buggy tga plugin. at the adobe website it was possible to download a fix.

The old TGA export bug did not affect the "colors" of the TGA file. The bug you reference was about TGAs being saved without their alpha channel. Therefore, if you saved a 32-bit TGA file in PS7 without the update installed then it saved exactly like a 24-bit TGA file (no alpha channel).


I made the texture packs behind the sci-fi texture offer from Dexsoft.

Nice textures. However, they could have been made in any paint program including GIMP, Dogwaffle, Photoshop, Corel Paint and a ton of other paint applications ranging from free to those you have to pay for.


I recommend Corel Painter or ProjectDogwaffle for that.

Cheaper than both and very full featured (for the price): Artrage ( Download that and give it a try. Simply a wonderful piece of software for very little money.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/29/07 08:46

Thanks Dan.

Unfortunately the PS price you mentioned is not available for me. I have to get it for 1,069.81 Euro (that is around 1,300 $). Much more than the mentioned 800 $.

The Adobe page re-directs me instantly to local re-sellers as you can see here:

I don't think that I could have made these textures in all those mentioned packages. As an example I need a plug-in for creating normal maps from height maps. GIMP and PS supports such a tool. PD or Painter probably not. But I am not 100 percent sure about that.

I thank you very much for the explanations and the hint towards Artrage. I will check this software thoroughly.

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/29/07 08:59



My dad can beat up your dad.


Oh god.....

thank you, I needed a good 'ol laugh

But since were on the topic, I use GIMP. However, GIMP is lacking several features that others like PS have. Plus it's free.... and I like free.

You're welcome. Some of these back and forths remind me of playground shenanigans.
Posted By: Frits

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/29/07 09:56

Thanks Dan for pointing out to Artrage. Now thats indeed a verry nice piece of software and verry cheap.
I have just bought the full version for only €19,24
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/29/07 11:59


gimp doesn't even support cmyk (which is only needed for print) properly so i doubt it's the default.

Perhaps I've confused a few things then, not sure. By the way it's irrelevant wether or not TGA files have a palette of not, it's the conversion process that messes up things and the difference between CMYK and RGB can be seen with the naked eye. When it comes to PS though, it has quite some quality reducing features too, be sure to set everything to maximum quality, perhaps you did something wrong there. I've never had problems with PS and exporting/saving to certain formats.

Still TGA support has been a problem with TheGIMP, not just when it comes to color translations. Remember the issues with their RLE-compressed files and the random 'can't read file' stuff?

I'm not bashing TheGimp, it's a great tool with an unbeatable price indeed, but it's not perfect,

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 01/29/07 12:13

Phemox: Maybe you did not remember my posts. I never had problems with TGA in GIMP. I use them without any changes in A6, Lightwave and so on. Alpha channel is fine.

PS made the problem. But never mind. I will not use it
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 02/04/07 08:12

I use GIMP on my computer, because I'm cheap. But my friend Mike that is helping me with my textures uses PS9(or)10. When we send file back and forth void of the format (usually 24/32 bit TGA), we do not have the problems you are all stating...

Is this whole rant based off one users problem, or are others also having this issue?
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/29/07 23:01

Beta 3.08 is out. See link for features of this and the past few betas. This new one is just a maintenance release. There's also a description of what to expect for Paint.NET 4.0 but that version is about 2 years away. There's also a sneak peek of the next major version which is 3.20. It'll require .NET 3.0. There's also a DDS export plugin in the forum among many other cool plugins:
Posted By: bstudio

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 06:42

I've been using it for a while and i love it. But when it comes to building websites nothing beats photoshop. Maybe i'll have to upgrade my CS
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 09:18


Quick question about The GIMP: Is it possible yet to have a "single window" for the program, where all the sub-panels/windows are not all "floating on the desktop"?

When I'm doing texture tweeking, I have a few programs open. For example, I might have XSI, Painter 9.5, Winamp, UlimateUnwrap3d, and the A6 engine trio (WED, MED and SED). Yes, a lot of programs, I know. But my computer handles it all quite nicely. Anyway, with The GIMP, when I open it I get a LOT of 'windows' open...each one had their own, uh, know, 'rectangle' at the bottom of the screen in the "Taskbar" area. That's a LOT of things on that bottom taskbar. Also, if I click on one of the GIMP window/taskbars, only it opens...all the rest of the GIMP windows/taskbars don' I have to indivicually click them. If I take a quick look at something in one of the other programs, when I want to go back to the GIMP I once again have to click on every single one. Heaven forfend if I accidentally click some 'background' program when working in GIMP...I have to then re-click all the GIMP windows/taskbars again.

So, did this get fixed in GIMP now? Is it more like a 'normal' program in that it has it's own 'screen-workspace'? Or is it still a collection of 'mini-windows'?
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 12:04

Well I think the minimum is two windows.
One for the tools etc. and one for the image itself.
Thats how I have set it up, just drop all the tool windows into one big one and maybe switch thoses you don't need off.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 12:05

You can dock all the 'mini-windows' in GIMP and make one tool-window out of them. That works very good for me.

Edit: Xarthor was a bit faster while typing at the same time. So sorry for double posting.
Posted By: Joey

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 12:09

it has already been worse, now you have two floating windows with the tools (you can still detach them) and one canvas window.
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 15:05


Ok. Maybe I'll DL GIMP and give it another whirl.
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: Paint.NET 3.0 almost ready - 05/30/07 15:33

Ok. No good. I thought I could "dock" these windows to the side of the 'picture' Photoshop and every other paint/photo program that I've ever used.

Here's a pic of what I'm talking about...

Posted By: Xarthor

@Paul_L_Ming: Gimp Deweirdifyer - 06/09/07 07:20

I know its not the original topic but as the thread turn to a discussion about gimp I thougth I would post it here.
While browsing a bit around I just found a plugin for the windows version of GIMP which merges the GIMP windows into one big background window.
I haven't tried it for myself but will do it in a moment.

Here is the link:
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: @Paul_L_Ming: Gimp Deweirdifyer - 06/09/07 07:25

If it's the one I'm familiar with, it just places a Windows background "plate' behind it. There's supposed to be a GIMP build out there that is more like Photoshop. Most things have been renamed to be consistent with PS naming conventions, although I can't recall if it actually transmogrifies the UI to look like PS.
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: @Paul_L_Ming: Gimp Deweirdifyer - 06/09/07 07:30

Yeah there is the so called GimpShop (link: ) I guess you mean that.

However I just tried that plugin I posted above with the GIMP 2.2 version but opening an image does not work anymore.

EDIT #1:
After testing the 3.0-alpha version of the plugin which did not work for me I just tried the 2.1 version.
Unfortunatly this version does not transfer the gimp windows into one big window and is really just a background plate.

EDIT #2:
For everybody who likes GIMP but wants it integrated into one window: Try GIMPshop:

(Scroll down a bit for a windows version, I'm currently trying out this one: )
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: @Paul_L_Ming: Gimp Deweirdifyer - 06/09/07 07:40

Have you tried Paint.NET? It's definitely a PS looking application. It doesn't have all of the advanced features of either PS or GIMP, but IMHO it features most of the essentials. It probably has a couple to three years before it will be in GIMP territory (version 4.0), but I can pretty much make anything I need, now plus there's lots of plugins in the appropriate forum section. You'll need .NET 2.0 installed, but I think .NET 3.0 is going to be required for the next major version. The developers are well aware of what is missing and are making strides to head in the right direction. I simply can't stand that GIMP UI (it's the Blender of the 2D world ), so I'm throwing my support behind this one.

(I'm doing my best to turn this thread back into a Paint.NET thread. lol, it seems I've been shanghaied. ).

I recently licensed Art Rage 2 for $20. It's a completely different animal all together and is a poor man's Dogwaffle. If you want to paint with natural looking paint, though, it will allow for that most definitely. My fiancee was fascinated by the realistic paint mixing when using different colors of the brush and the palette knife. I kind of just play around doing that too sometimes. It almost seems too real.
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Paint.NET, The GIMP, GIMPshop, ArtRage - 06/09/07 07:50

Wow Art Rage looks really nice and 20$ is damn cheap.
(link to it: )

I think I'll try out the free version of it.

ArtRage rocks! I will consider to add this to my tool chain, although I'm not an artist, as it is really fun to draw with
Thanks Orange Brat!
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: Paint.NET, The GIMP, GIMPshop, ArtRage - 06/09/07 09:56

No problem. I'm currently trying to get a 6x8 Wacom tablet since I hate painting with a mouse. Take a look at Dogwaffle, too. It's the same kind of "natural" art program but has dozens of more features and animation.

Of course, you'll pay a lot more for the full version, but there are lesser ones that are missing features but still nice. Painting with particles is great (tried it in the PD Pro 4.0 demo).
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