I love the Dalai Lama but...

Posted By: fastlane69

I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/21/08 18:03

Let me start by saying that I love the Dalai Lama and AFAIK everything he stands for spiritually...

... but does his spiritual connection really have to be tied into his political one?


This link presents an excellent political arguments IMO but it doesn't change my personal opinion that the Dalai Lama -- and thus Tibet -- are unique and should be preserved as is, theology, philosophy, geography, and all.

My fear is that if the Chinese are given free reign in Tibet, all of the above will crumble and we will be worse for it.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/21/08 21:37

To be honest and this might sound a bit blunt, but I've always looked upon the Dalai Lama as the Pope of Buddhism.

Basically he is as much a political leader as he is a spiritual one and his image became very symbolic for Buddhism and Tibet. But... he basically does as he pleases, for example some time ago he suddenly forbid his followers to pray to one of the most popular Gods.

A quite selfish act and followers that literally love the Dalai Lama as their father and this particular God as their mother so to speak are having huge problems in Tibet now. They get excluded from a whole lot of things and became outcasts because they now believe in and pray to the wrong God (according to 'their father', just imagine what this means in practice for these people. They even have trouble getting jobs and so on now because of it.)...

According to the Dalai Lama he always got 'bad luck' from this particular God and therefore it's forbidden to pray to now, but basically the Dalai Lama is as power-hungry as any political or spiritual leader out there and wanted to press his mark on modern Buddhism. I mean, was it really necessary to exclude this popular God from the pantheon of Buddistic Gods? Heck no, not at all.

I'm not exactly pro-Chinese when it comes to Tibet, no country has the right to occupy territory that isn't somehow rightfully theirs and even then it's difficult to justify any kind of occupation.

But I do think the Chinese have a pretty valid point when it comes to having made Tibet more modern. Still, is that a good enough argument to simply claim total control over Tibet? I don't really think so, but I would have to dive more into the history of both Tibet and China to see who's 'more right' than the other.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/22/08 02:15

Buddhism is SHIT.
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/22/08 04:38

Buddhism is SHIT.

Eloquent as usual... but you missed a word: "the" between "is" and "shit".
Posted By: NITRO_2008

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/22/08 11:52

no country has the right to occupy territory that isn't somehow rightfully theirs and even then it's difficult to justify any kind of occupation.
Really? Then you must leave the Netherlands at once, because your country and every other country in history was obtained by some sort of occupation. Except for maybe some tribes in South America.

Tibet and China to see who's 'more right' than the other.
It doesnt matter who is right or more right, the Chinese will occupy whatever country they want if there is no one around to stop them, and noone strong enough cares that much about Tibet because it doesn't offer any resources. Thats the harsh reality.

. but does his spiritual connection really have to be tied into his political one?
According to the article you posted, all he has done was try to fight the Chinese, that may be stupid but I dont see how it opposes his spirituality.

my personal opinion that the Dalai Lama -- and thus Tibet -- are unique and should be preserved as is, theology, philosophy, geography, and all.

My fear is that if the Chinese are given free reign in Tibet, all of the above will crumble and we will be worse for it.
I agree, I like the Tibetan culture. I think it goes back to the fundamental question however, how would it serve the Chinese to totally destroy all of those things? If Tibet simply allows the Chinese to dominate then I dont think that they have any incentive to destroy their culture.

In my opinion the best advice for Tibet is to remain passive and peaceful and not give the Chinese any reason to cause any havoc.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/22/08 14:11

no country has the right to occupy territory that isn't somehow rightfully theirs and even then it's difficult to justify any kind of occupation.

Really? Then you must leave the Netherlands at once, because your country and every other country in history was obtained by some sort of occupation. Except for maybe some tribes in South America.

Last time I've checked we aren't occupying anyone's territory but our own, but in a way you are right. It's difficult, if not impossible in most cases to determine whether someone has the 'right' to live somewhere. Still, all kinds of literal occupation is wrong in my opinion and most cases of occupation are actually pretty obvious. Take Israel for example and the Syrian Golan heights.

It doesnt matter who is right or more right, the Chinese will occupy whatever country they want if there is no one around to stop them, and noone strong enough cares that much about Tibet because it doesn't offer any resources. Thats the harsh reality.

Just like with Taiwan China is convinced that they rightfully own these countries.

By the way Tibet does have vast deposits of metal resources which are of great interest to the Chinese. It's the number one reason why they build a railroad going to Tibet.

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/22/08 21:10

According to the article you posted, all he has done was try to fight the Chinese, that may be stupid but I dont see how it opposes his spirituality.

It's not that his politics opposes his spirituality. It's that his spirituality is in contention with his politics.

If Tibet simply allows the Chinese to dominate then I dont think that they have any incentive to destroy their culture.

My point exactly. If Tibet were to give ground on some of the political issues, they may keep their spiritual autonomy.

Now, let it be known that I too know very little on the background. I too have a "gut" feeling that because as you said there is no one to protect Tibet (ie: there is no oil to be exploited on their lands), then no matter what political agreements are in place, China would be able to do as it please, recind on it's word, and there is nothing Tibet (or the world) will be able to do about it.
Posted By: NITRO_2008

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/22/08 22:09

By the way Tibet does have vast deposits of metal resources which are of great interest to the Chinese. It's the number one reason why they build a railroad going to Tibet.
Thats interesting, I knew they were building the railroad but I didn't know why. I thought that Tibet only had a scarce agricultural economy, I did not know about the potential metals.

Of course, just because your link says that there have been metal rich areas found may only be China's ostensible excuse for building the railroad...if you study war at all you are aware of the strong logistical problems involved...

(In other words I dont trust that the Chinese are building this railroad only for exploiting Tibet's minerals--they have a double use of bringing a transportation infrastructure towards the middle east)

But I will concede that I didn't know about the article...or the alleged minerals...so thanks. whistle

Last time I've checked we aren't occupying anyone's territory but our own,
I am not aware of Netherlands history but I am sure that there was some kind of barbarian tribe which took your land to begin with, I think it was the Franks which finally held it and it was part of the 17 provinces held by the Dukes of Burgundy. Whichever group finally held on to it only did so through brute violence. The only reason why you sit comfortably in front of your computer is because some king and some army decided that they were going to O_C_C_U_P_Y your land. Do you wish to give it back or do you feel like the Netherlands truly has a "right" to it?

Nobody really has a 'right' to anything on earth, we all just murdered each other in order to possess it.

Take Israel for example and the Syrian Golan heights.
If you feel so strongly about it, why dont you give your land to the Palestinians? The problem with judging one country having 'rights' is that you always bring your own 'rights' in question.

It's not that his politics opposes his spirituality. It's that his spirituality is in contention with his politics.
I think I will have to go meditate on a mountain in Tibet before I can understand what your saying there... laugh

My point exactly. If Tibet were to give ground on some of the political issues, they may keep their spiritual autonomy.

Now, let it be known that I too know very little on the background. I too have a "gut" feeling that because as you said there is no one to protect Tibet (ie: there is no oil to be exploited on their lands), then no matter what political agreements are in place, China would be able to do as it please, recind on it's word, and there is nothing Tibet (or the world) will be able to do about it.
Yeah. China is definitely a big superpower, and Tibet is an exceptionally beautiful place on earth, its too bad really.

But as you said; if OIL is found in Tibet then that changes everything. Maybe then someone could help them. But even if the US and all of Europe defended Tibet I shudder to think about what conflict with China would mean....
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/23/08 00:16

If you feel so strongly about it, why dont you give your land to the Palestinians? The problem with judging one country having 'rights' is that you always bring your own 'rights' in question.

I would not have problems with that at all, but the Netherlands is already becoming pretty crowded. We're just a small country and although for me personally it doesn't mean they aren't welcome... such a solution might be a bit of a problem in practice.

Also, why should we give land to the Palestinians when it is really the Jews that got a country assigned to them that for sure didn't belong to them at that time.

(In other words I dont trust that the Chinese are building this railroad only for exploiting Tibet's minerals--they have a double use of bringing a transportation infrastructure towards the middle east)

But I will concede that I didn't know about the article...or the alleged minerals...so thanks.

No worries and yes it's probably quite obvious that the Chinese have build this railroad for more than just tourism purposes and 'modernizing' Tibet.

I am not aware of Netherlands history but I am sure that there was some kind of barbarian tribe which took your land to begin with, I think it was the Franks which finally held it and it was part of the 17 provinces held by the Dukes of Burgundy. Whichever group finally held on to it only did so through brute violence. The only reason why you sit comfortably in front of your computer is because some king and some army decided that they were going to O_C_C_U_P_Y your land. Do you wish to give it back or do you feel like the Netherlands truly has a "right" to it?

I'm a direct descendant from the Franks though... hence my last name. wink Still, yeah, I get your point.

Nobody really has a 'right' to anything on earth, we all just murdered each other in order to possess it.

And yet there's still plenty of space left for all of us. I'm probably far to idealistic when it comes to the harsh reality we're really living in, I give you that. :p From a standpoint of morality it would make sense not to 'occupy' any territory, but when it comes to wealth and resources the violence seems to know no limits.

I guess this only proves evolution in that only the strong survive... in the end.
Posted By: NITRO_2008

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/23/08 02:14

I guess this only proves evolution in that only the strong survive... in the end.
I dont dispute survival of the fittest, it is readily observed, it is observed in every level of nature and social interaction.

Off topic: When you look at history through the lens of class or racial struggle(of the fittest) like Hitler or communism, it is incorrect to see survival of the fittest as being genetics ... (For example the Aryans being the master race is not true at all)

I see national struggles as being more the survival of ideas and ideologies rather than the survival of a race based on their genetics.

For example, if we went by the early German eugenics movements both Stephen Hawking(a disabled man) and Albert Einstein(a Jew) would have been removed from Hitler's ideal gene pool, and that would be a tragedy to humans as a whole.

I'm a direct descendant from the Franks though... hence my last name.
Heh, are you serious? I suppose that would make perfect sense...but I feel like you are pulling my leg. But for Dutch names, your name is so much easier to understand than something like Edsger W. Dijkstra
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/23/08 03:18

I see national struggles as being more the survival of ideas and ideologies rather than the survival of a race based on their genetics.

This is a fascinating point. Have we eschewed physical evolution in order to focus on mental evolution?

Every Eastern Mystic would be proud of this!
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 05/24/08 22:24

Heh, are you serious? I suppose that would make perfect sense...but I feel like you are pulling my leg. But for Dutch names, your name is so much easier to understand than something like Edsger W. Dijkstra

Haha, I'm not pulling any legs here, it's true. By the way, most Dutch names can be explained, Dijkstra's name too. I'm pretty sure 'Dijkstra' must have got to do with 'dikes' somehow, but I don't know for sure.


I see national struggles as being more the survival of ideas and ideologies rather than the survival of a race based on their genetics.

For example, if we went by the early German eugenics movements both Stephen Hawking(a disabled man) and Albert Einstein(a Jew) would have been removed from Hitler's ideal gene pool, and that would be a tragedy to humans as a whole.

I don't want to stray of topic too much here, but nowadays nations aren't quite synonymous with race (have they ever?) and yes wars are mostly driven by ideology and definitely not actual survival. A lot of wars don't have an actual 'sense' when it comes to real survival of a race and evolution. And yes, you are right, it doesn't make sense to make a distinction based on race anyways as eugenics has done (does? I don't know if anyone still really believes in that, I'm pretty sure the scientific community doesn't and practically never did.).

I dont dispute survival of the fittest, it is readily observed, it is observed in every level of nature and social interaction.

Interesting, but it does surprise me a bit. So all you do dispute are the mutational changes that are beneficial?
Posted By: bomber

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/14/08 02:32

You guys don't even know shit about Chinese history, Taiwan was always China's but it got conqued by japan in the 1890s the Japanese gave back Taiwan when they lost ww2, then civil wars broke up in China the communist party drove the Kuomintang party to Taiwan, The ruling party in taiwan(Kuomintang party)still reconize themselfs as Chinese but not a part of The Peoples Republic Of China!
As for Tibet, Tibet was a part of China since the 13 century, the Dala Lama wants to split Tibet even though the people don't, if there was a vote there then the Dala Lama would not win, the Dala Lama is just an idoit who escape to India when the civil war ended, now with dreams to split China, which is not going to happen!
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/14/08 12:42

You guys don't even know shit about Chinese history,
We get fed propaganda just like anybody else.

which is not going to happen
This was my original point (as NITRO_2008). Noone is going to stop China. With 1.5 billion people, there is little that anyone can do for Tibet. My theory is that we should stop trying to cry for Tibet when as you said, they have been a part of China for 800 years.

So I agree with you. smirk
Posted By: bomber

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/15/08 02:34

excuse me! Are u Chinese?!Tibet was never conquered by China they merged when a Chinese princess married a Tibetan king, and it was that princess that brought Buddism to tibet!
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/15/08 04:34

become chinese! 1.3 billion people can't be wrong!

bomber, why are you so agro? settle down. no one is insulting you or your country. how much do you know about german history? the history of the netherlands? aussie history?

there's nothing wrong with correcting people, but there's plenty wrong with being agro and over-defensive.

Posted By: bomber

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/15/08 07:35

Originally Posted By: NITRO_2008
I am not aware of Netherlands history but I am sure that there was some kind of barbarian tribe which took your land to begin with, I think it was the Franks which finally held it and it was part of the 17 provinces held by the Dukes of Burgundy. Whichever group finally held on to it only did so through brute violence. The only reason why you sit comfortably in front of your computer is because some king and some army decided that they were going to O_C_C_U_P_Y your land. Do you wish to give it back or do you feel like the Netherlands truly has a "right" to it?

I thought that was the USA's job to bully and occupy countries, tibet was never conquered it merged with China by marrage.And Julz I'm not being agro and over-defensive. I'm just telling them the facts!
Posted By: bomber

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/15/08 08:27

Originally Posted By: NITRO_2008
[quote] But as you said; if OIL is found in Tibet then that changes everything. Maybe then someone could help them. But even if the US and all of Europe defended Tibet I shudder to think about what conflict with China would mean....

yeah what the US would want oil, but over 90% of tibetans are against seperation^
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/15/08 14:00

Ive researched your last posts bomber and it turns out that you are 13 years old.
(I'm 13 and I'm probably the best there),

Im not "age-prejudiced" but I also am not willing to argue about politics and governments with a 13 year old. So therefore I have withdrawn my original statements...I am not saying that in being 13 that you are automatically wrong, as a matter of fact there are many many brilliant 13 year olds, but I have no desire to argue with any of them.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/17/08 21:14

Originally Posted By: bomber
excuse me! Are u Chinese?!Tibet was never conquered by China they merged when a Chinese princess married a Tibetan king, and it was that princess that brought Buddism to tibet!

That's one version of the story, but I've heard many already. smile

Besides, if it's true it only sort of proves how the Dalai Lama isn't anywhere near the 'rightful leader' of Tibet anyways... but that's less the problem as the whole conflict definitely revolves around mainly the resources of Tibet, aka lots of money and power, if you ask me.
Posted By: bomber

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/20/08 10:54

Originally Posted By: TriNitroToluene
Ive researched your last posts bomber and it turns out that you are 13 years old.
(I'm 13 and I'm probably the best there),

Im not "age-prejudiced" but I also am not willing to argue about politics and governments with a 13 year old. So therefore I have withdrawn my original statements...I am not saying that in being 13 that you are automatically wrong, as a matter of fact there are many many brilliant 13 year olds, but I have no desire to argue with any of them.

so I am 13 who cares! I do things like ppl much older than me, and I have a multi-nationalbackground(that's why I have increadibly good English for a 13 yr old Chinese), that's probably what makes me different than most other kids(stuff like creating games, and caring about politics),but what I'm saying is that there aren't many other Chinese in this forum willing to argue with you, but some western media are extremly biased and reporting false info about tibet. In the 3.14 incident, western media use pictures of nepalian police as Chinese police, pictures of ambulance as police cars. I just want to stand on the other side to argue with u guys.
Posted By: nalan

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/20/08 11:18

In fact, I do not want to participate in the discussion,I just want to say that Tibet has always been part of China.You do not understand China's history and "bomber"is right....
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/20/08 14:58

Originally Posted By: bomber
so I am 13 who cares! I do things like ppl much older than me, and I have a multi-nationalbackground(that's why I have increadibly good English for a 13 yr old Chinese), that's probably what makes me different than most other kids(stuff like creating games, and caring about politics),but what I'm saying is that there aren't many other Chinese in this forum willing to argue with you, but some western media are extremly biased and reporting false info about tibet. In the 3.14 incident, western media use pictures of nepalian police as Chinese police, pictures of ambulance as police cars. I just want to stand on the other side to argue with u guys.

I doubt that you, as 13 year old, are completely insensitive to the propaganda spread from within your own country. The pictures with the ambulance as police cars were spread by Chinese media to Western media, it was just ignorantly picked up and copied by the Western media. Spreading lies, misinformation and propaganda is all part of the game. It makes no sense to blame the Chinese media or the Western media for this.

Also.. I know the Western media is very biased, I don't like that either.

But I do not judge China by the Western media, nor do I judge Tibet by the Western media. It seem to me though that the Chinese media isn't any better. Both aren't independent, both seem to have agendas on what they want people to believe.
Posted By: bomber

Re: I love the Dalai Lama but... - 08/21/08 03:10

well if u don't judge by the media then ask Tibetans, how many Tibetans want independence.
That's one version of the story, but I've heard many already.

Besides, if it's true it only sort of proves how the Dalai Lama isn't anywhere near the 'rightful leader' of Tibet anyways... but that's less the problem as the whole conflict definitely revolves around mainly the resources of Tibet, aka lots of money and power, if you ask me.

Then the resources belong to China as Tibet is a part of China, you don't have to invade countries just because they have resources, I can't see any country trying to invade Saudi Arabia.

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